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Woman Loses Her Damn Mind After Getting Drilled By Tennis Ball, Might Have Some Slight Anger Issues To Work Out

Say what you want about this chick but that is an all-time tirade. Looks like they're at the Seattle University tennis facility, and all I have to say is that they need to hang a banner after that one. 

"What the fuck is wrong with you, you piece of shit? Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! *quick pause to launch racket again* Fuck you! The fuck is wrong with you? Are you for real? Fuck off! Piece of shit!"

We've seen plenty of great meltdowns in the world of sports, but this is right up there at the top. I have zero qualms whatsoever with the the content of her freakout. But if I had one bone to pick with the whole scenario...

She should really be more pissed off at her playing partner. If there's anyone who deserves to have that tirade and multiple racket tosses aimed at them, it's her partner. I mean he served that thing up for buddy in black on a platter. Weak little two-hand backhand floating right up into his sweet spot. Of course the fella in black was going to hammer away an easy winner there, he just happened to tag the shit out of the woman. 

And part of me wants to think this wasn't the first time he bodybagged her during the match. Probably got her once earlier on, put the hand up to say he's sorry and didn't mean it, everyone agreed to just let it go, and then this time it sent ol' girl off the deep end. Which makes me think her playing partner wanted this to happen. He must have been setting her up to get drilled all night long. Can't really blame him, honestly. I just hope they continued the match and our boy in black went ahead and tagged her again. 
