Can We PLEASE Stop Counting QB Kneels as Lost Yards

I can’t even begin to tell you how many people got fucked over by Jayden Daniels' knee last night. I’m still sick to my stomach, and my bet was only going to win me $80. Imagine this poor guy who had a ticket worth $70,000 and lost it all because of Jayden Daniels taking a knee. 

It’s absolutely brutal. When is the NFL going to stop being so ridiculous? A quarterback taking a knee should not count as lost rushing yards. The game is already over by that point. The only reason teams run that play is to let the clock wind down and end the game.

We’ve seen common-sense rule changes in other sports. Look at baseball: pitchers used to waste everyone’s time throwing four straight balls for an intentional walk. Now, they just signal it, and the batter takes first base without all the unnecessary pitches. The NFL needs to adopt a similar approach. Coaches should be able to communicate with each other and agree that taking a knee isn't necessary. Just let the clock run out and spare everyone the headache. 

Losing the over on a rushing total because of a quarterback kneel is beyond frustrating. It haunting. I literally had nightmares about Jayden Daniels taking a fucking knee. There’s no real reason for it. The game is effectively finished, and all the kneel does is fuck with betting stats. For those of us who have money riding on these games, it feels like a cheap and unnecessary way to lose. Think about how much money is wagered on the NFL—billions of dollars are at stake every season. With that kind of financial impact, the league has no choice but to make a change. 

If they don’t want to adjust the rushing stats, fine, but there has to be a better solution. The game has evolved in so many ways, but the league is still stuck with outdated rules like this that hurt fans and bettors alike. It’s time for the NFL to stop pretending like sports betting isn’t a huge part of their business model and address the issue head-on. No one should lose a bet because a QB took a knee.