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"I Always Try My Best to Make Somebody Smile Before The Game", Deion Sanders, Out of The Goodness of His Heart, Blessed a Young Nebraska Fan with The Hat Off His Own Head

BVM Sports - Deion Sanders gifted his cap to a young Nebraska fan after the Cornhuskers defeated the Colorado Buffaloes 28-10. While high expectations surrounded the Buffs following a strong week one victory, the Nebraska team showcased their strength, leading to disappointment for Sanders and his players. 

Sanders emphasized that true football fans support the game, regardless of team colors, and aimed to spread positivity with his gesture. His actions reflect his commitment to instilling values in young fans, while his team faces the challenge of reevaluating their performance ahead of the next game. 

Giphy Images.

For no particular reason at all, I stumbled upon this video on my Twitter feed today. Albeit was tweeted a few days ago, for god knows why, it only came across my desk this morning. Likely because the internet as a whole is so viciously hellbent on tearing down the humble, God fearing man that is Deion Sanders. To the point that any and all instances of Coach Prime's leadership and charitability (of which there are many) are suppressed to the darkest parts of the web where only ecstasy dealers, bitcoin miners, Billy Football, and college athletes looking to buy guns so they can be the most strapped guy in the locker room know how to access. 

Even at Barstool Sports, a company that Deion Sanders was gracious enough to bless with his abundance of charisma, football expertise, and -350 ML winners on The Pro Football Football Show.. some employees are still determined to criticize and take pot shots at Deion and the Colorado Buffalo football team for seemingly no other reason than he's a wee bit flashy, and has performed ever so slightly below expectations since his arrival.

From the Nebraska game alone, people only want to harp on the negatives. That Colorado was beat down by Nebraska 28-10 in a game where they never even put up a fight. That QB Shedeur Sanders checked out the moment he threw an out-route to the complete opposite side of the field from the back of his own endzone and had it returned for the world's easiest pick 6. That he left the field entirely with 2 minutes still on the clock, and raced to the locker room to throw his offensive line under a cavalcade of busses. That his brother Shilo Sanders, after declaring multiple times during the pre-game coin flip that Colorado was about to "roll Nebraska's ass", was immediately steamrolled by a running back and sent to the hospital with a forearm injury. 

(family man Deion Sanders makes time, prays for injured son)

Those are all easy blogs to write. Guaranteed clicks. Whoop-dee-freaking-doo. I'm sure our editors are proud. I bet they're even proud of Big MSNBT, for his fake news blog about how Deion Sanders instructed the Colorado band to NOT play their fight song after a Shedeur Sanders touchdown, so that his #1 hit single "Perfect Timing" could boom over Folsom Fields' brand new, state-of-the-art $1.8 million sound system for all of Boulder, Colorado to hear.

But I'm not even going to mention those things. Deion Sanders deserves to have his good deeds highlighted as well. When that young Nebraska fan ran up to him, Deion could have shrugged him off. He could have drop kicked him to the turf, yelled "SKO BUFFS!", and headed off to the locker room. But instead… even though that small, possibly terminally-ill child was wearing a Cornhuskers jersey, Deion gave him the hat of his head and made his day. That child ran back to the sidelines beaming from ear-to-ear.

What a moment. Some things are bigger than football, and nobody understands that better than Deion. I challenge the rest of Barstool to try and focus on the good when it comes to the University of Colorado football team. That's what the Sanders family would do. Look no further than Deion's least important son, Deion Sanders Jr.. The man is sitting on HOURS of footage of actual COACHES + players talking crazy to Colorado before every single game. But he's better than posting that filth. He's not going to post something that could impact someone else's job. Even after Deion Sanders Jr. tweeted that out, he quickly realized the error of his ways in even revealing that to the public. So he respectfully removed his post from the internet so nobody would even know. 

That's how I'll be living my life moving forward. I could have wrote a Deion Sanders hit piece today. I'm sure it would have gotten more clicks. As a matter of fact, I was halfway through a blog titled, "Has Deion Sanders Ruined His Son's Career?" just yesterday morning. But as I sat there writing, with Barstool Sports weekly College Football Pick'em podcast playing in the background, something unexplainable came over me. I realized what I was doing was bad. I thought to myself, "No John, you're better than this", and decided to use my time in a more respectable way.

Good luck to Colorado Football and the Sanders family in their pursuit of excellence for the remainder of the season. No matter what happens… regardless of how they finish record wise… I'm confident that the young men in that locker room will come out the other side of this as young men.