The Miami Heat Are Rightfully Honoring Dwyane Wade With His Own Statue

In a day in age where it feels like everyone is getting a goddamn statue, I think we can all agree that this one makes all the sense in the world. Honestly, I'm curious as to what took so long? Wade hasn't played since the 2018-19 season and in my opinion is the greatest Heat player of all time, so I feel like his statue should have been created a long time ago. I mean, it's been 4 years since his jersey retirement!
Considering when looking at the history of the Heat as a franchise Wade is
- 1st in games played
- 1st in minutes played
- 1st in FGM
- 1st in FTA
- 1st in 2pt FGM
- 1st in 2pt FGA
- 1st in FTA
- 1st in FTM
- 1st in AST
- 1st in STL
- 1st in PTS
- 1st in Offensive win shares
- 1st in Defensive win shares
- 1st in win shares
while winning 3 titles, I think it's safe to say honoring him with a statue is a no brainer. The important question now becomes, what pose do they go with? As we've seen, not all statues are created equal. For example, the Shaq statue in LA? That thing rules

The Kobe statue? A perfect tribute

But sometimes things aren't so hot, like the time Mark Cuban unveiled the initial concept of the Dirk statue and it looked like he was shooting anal beads
thankfully, the real one looked much better
so what do the Heat go with for Wade? He doesn't exactly have an iconic shot like the Dirk fadeaway, or Shaq dunking. The Kobe statue is from one of his titles, so maybe something like this?

I can tell you from putting this blog together that there are a ton of Getty images with Wade in that pose. So I'm thinking either that or something that reflects when Wade would jump on the scorers' table and celebrate? That could be cool if done right.
I will say, it is a bit weird to see all these players that I grew up watching not only retire and make their way to the HOF, but also get their statues. Really makes you feel old as shit if we're being honest. It feels like just yesterday I was watching Dwyane Wade intentionally dislocate Rajon Rondo's elbow because deep down he knew that Heat team couldn't beat the Big 3 Celtics without trying some bullshit (not to mention the horrendous officiating). Time really does fly as they say.
So congrats to DWade on the well deserved statue. Arguably the 3rd best shooting guard in the history of the NBA, it was long overdue.
To this day Wade's HOF speech is by far one of the best sports speeches I've ever heard. Chills every time it comes across my timeline and I don't even give a shit about the Heat