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Roger Goodell and The NFL Are A Fucking Disgrace For Allowing Its Players To Play On That Field In Brazil Last Night

It didn't take a genius to notice how dogshit the playing conditions were in Brazil for the Eagles v Packers game last night. It was all anybody could talk about all night. (That and how gawd-awful Ian Eagle's nepobaby son Noah was calling the game)

It was disgraceful. 

Players couldn't get footing whatsoever, guys were on ice skates all night and both teams are lucky nobody sustained any season or career ending injuries. (Though Jordan Love is going to miss a month as Hubbs blogged earlier)

What's nuts to me is that for how concerned the NFL loves to act about "player safety", continuing to tinker with stupid bullshit like this moronnic new kickoff thing they implemented this season, they continue to allow one of the most important aspects of the entire fucking game to not matter at all to them. The fucking playing surface. 

And it's been happening for years. 

6 years ago they did this same exact shit in Mexico.

And as any Washington or Chicago fan will tell you, it's been an issue plaguing both franchises as long as anybody can remember.

You would think a soccer field is pretty much just a larger plot of grass than a football field right? Wrong. As that video up above showed, it looked as if that grass was rooted in fucking sand. And cut extremely short. They're constructed for 100 lb guys to zip up and down vertically. They're built for speed, (not comfort. Like Jane Seymour's tits in Wedding Crashers)

Something JJ Watt perfectly articulated. 

The bottom line is the NFL suddenly cares about concussions and "player safety" only when it applies to brain injuries because that's where they're liable and subject to massive class action lawsuits. 

Until guys can start suing the shield for shredded knees and achilles they'll continue this farce of shoving games in other countries down our throats that absolutely nobody asked. 

p.s. - you really can't say enough about what dumpster fire that entire thing was last night. Top to bottom. Forcing people to subscribe to fucking Peacock in order to watch. (Something fewer than 30% of American households have) The garbage broadcast team of Noah Eagles and Todd Blackledge. The feed that was so choppy it had people wondering the entire night if their internet was lagging. The shitty definition. For a billion dollar corporation, doing something totally unnecessary, it was fucking amateur hour. How are you "growing the game" by showcasing a subpar product like this because your athletes can't even plant their feet and make cuts without wiping out or blowing out a knee?

There is more than enough demand for regular season NFL games in this country. Do pre season internationally if you absolutely insist on it. Enough of this charade.