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Of Course News Anchors In Philly Are Getting Brazilian Waxes To Celebrate The Return Of The Birds In Brazil


Or something, I guess. Hey, you don't need to learn Portuguese or investigate the actual culture of one of the largest countries in the world when you can simply get Birds Brazilian Wax and you're welcome in every hemisphere. Oh, you were expecting the lovely Alex Holley to be the one on camera getting smooth as a whistle? NOPE. That's Mike Jerrick going full on Steve Carrell in the 40-Year-Old-Virgin down under.

Giphy Images.

To that point, did everyone really need to be front and center on Mike Jerrick's grundle? Yes. Yes they did. If he's going through the trauma of having hairs that have probably existed for 50+ years on the taint being viciously ripped away from existence, so should everyone else in the room. I don't write the rules. But great on Mike Jerrick for going above and beyond for Philly, especially after going through a Prostate Cancer diagnosis and surgery: 

Mike Jerrick is a gem. Always has been, always will be. No shade on other legends in the Philly news anchor world, but you would never see Jim Gardner or Ukee Washington getting their nifkin waxed on live TV. Or at least I think. Who knows what Jimmy G is getting into during his well deserved retirement. 

Go Birds. And hopefully we can return to Good Day Philly with Mike and Alex for another Red October adventure. 

Go Birds. Do it for Mike's taint.