Insane Russian Hooligan Private Military Company Rumored To Be Using Lions and Tigers On Frontline
Since 2022, Española group has been involved in a series of major battles in Ukraine. Between February and May 2022, Española fought in the battle for Mariupol. As the battle culminated in the siege of Azovstal Iron and Steel Works in May 2022, Española directly combated the Azov Assault Brigade, itself consisting of Ukrainian football ultras. Following the battle for Mariupol, Orlov posed with a lion cub reportedly kidnapped from Mariupol Zoo.
This is just straight out of The Walking Dead, Ezekiel had a pet tiger he would use in combat. Apparently these guys who are insane soccer hooligans that ended up forming a paramilitary group to serve Putin, during the invasion of Mariupol, raided the zoo and took Lion and Tiger Cubs that they now use as their mascots and maybe use them on their enemies or to torture prisoners. It's just horrifying that real-life movie villains exist doing supervillain shit.
I mean this is crazy stuff. The war in Ukraine is a horror beyond comprehension when it comes to modern warfare. But getting captured and being put in a cage with a lion is diabolical medieval shit.
There are no records of them using the lions and tigers to attack anyone but Jesus imagine turning a corner in a trench and seeing a damn tiger.

It’s just a crazy dystopian storyline to the crazy world we live in.
You would think these guys were just drunk Russians doing crazy shit but apparently they are sober under threat of punishment.
“Anyone caught drinking alcohol … will receive a broken arm and jaw to help cure the disease of drunkenness. At the same time, the [soldier] is expelled from the team in disgrace.” Española on Telegram.
O also, they are Nazis. Like Nazi tattoos everywhere and they have some Americans whose a barber. It's a complete clown show. It just reminds me of this old comedy skit about Nazis wondering if they are the bad guys. Using exotic big cats is absolutely evil.
Also check it out in the latest audiocraic episode where we go more in depth on the topic.