RFK Jr. Says the Former US Secretary of State Blocked the Release of the JFK Assassination Files

Bettmann. Getty Images.

No matter how divided a country, there are always some things that transcend politics or ideology. Bipartisan concerns that are shared by everyone. That should, in fact, unite everyone, regardless of their personal beliefs. 

And without a doubt, the horrifying murder of a duly elected leader is just such a matter. And yet here we are, coming up on 61 years since John F. Kennedy's brain was turned into pink mist in broad daylight in the middle of a major city in front of thousands of eyewitnesses, and the American people have still not been given the full story. Despite a federal law requiring all documents related to the investigating be made public years ago.

By way of full disclosure, until recently I was a true believer in the Lone Gunman/Lee Harvey Oswald Acted Alone theory. But further research from different, credible sources made me question that worldview:

There are just too many inconsistencies. Too many contradictions. Too many elements of the official account that strain credulity. Too many reports that were changed after the fact that conveniently fit a particular narrative. And above all else, not enough explanations of the government's involvement with Oswald and other players in this story.

One cannot stress enough just how bipartisan this is. Because since the date that information was supposed to be released, we've had two different US Presidents, one from each party. Both men have sat behind the same Resolute Desk in the same Oval Office as their slain predecessor. And both refused to comply with the order. 

But just to prove once and for all that we're living in the most bizarre times ever, we just had someone running for President who has said repeatedly JFK was killed by the US Government. The very same government he was asking to be put in charge of. And who also happens to be JFK's nephew, Robert Kennedy Jr. Whose father was also assassinated. And whom he claims was killed by that same federal government. 

Are you with me so far? Good. Then strap in, because the rabbit hole is about to get deeper. RFK Jr. just shared his explanation of why American citizens don't have the information we are legally, ethically, and morally entitled to:

Source - RFK Jr. revealed that Trump-era Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was the one who persuaded Trump not to release the files. …

'I was astonished that Trump didn't declassify them because he promised it during the campaign,' Kennedy said during an interview with Tucker Carlson.

'I talked to President Trump for the first time about that this week,' he continued. 'He said that Mike Pompeo begged him… called him and said, this would be a catastrophe to release these.' …

The commission created to investigate JFK's death concluded that shooter Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone when he killed the president in Dallas, Texas. 

But in the wake of JFK's assassination in 1963 and in the decades after his death, several documents were withheld from the public, which sparked conspiracy theories that are still circulating today.

Gee, it's hard to imagine why withholding all the relevant information would spark conspiracy theories. Just because the person who was fourth in Line of Succession to the Presidency said it "would be a catastrophe" to tell the truth is no reason to be suspicious, right? 

Sure, nobody voted for this Mike Pompeo. But that doesn't mean he doesn't have the right to demand we be kept in the dark. Or give us the right to question him. Just because none of the official version of events adds up doesn't mean we shouldn't just accept it fully and without a shadow of a doubt. We're basically children. The Secretary of State and everyone else in charge are our parents. And in that dynamic, "Because we said so" is a perfectly valid reason to comply. 

Of course one might be justified in asking "Why?" What would be so catastrophic about knowing how a popular President's head was turned to salsa in front of his wife and the whole world? Or why did the dozens of medical professionals at Parkland Hospital describe the whole back of his head being blown off, but the Warren Commission Report included photos of it fully intact, with perfect hair and all? Why can't we know the extent to which federal law enforcement had been keeping a file on Oswald?  Why was an eyewitness who made a positive ID of Oswald on the day of the shooting and passed several lie detector tests committed to an insane asylum involuntarily and against the wishes of his wife and children? Why the so-called "Magic Bullet" that hit both JFK and Gov. Connally was in pristine condition, as if it had never struck anything, much less caused multiple wounds in two victims? 

Or to sum them all up: Why are we not entitled to know what the government we pay for knows? That Secretary Pompeo knows? It can't be to protect sources and methods, since literally everyone who was even remotely involved is long since dead. 

But sure. Keep all those secrets from us for our own good. And just expect we'll be good citizens and stop wondering what we're not being told. That we'll just assume we're better off not knowing how and why the allegedly most protected man in the word was blown away in broad daylight and just go about our lives. 

Hopefully RFK Jr refusing to let it go so easily and speaking out about it will put pressure on the people in charge - whomever that is - to come clean. All we want is the truth:

And we deserve nothing less. May justice be done though the heavens fall.