The Future is Here: Jonathan Taylor Wore a Concussion Resistant Guardian Cap Overtop His Helmet During The Colts Pre-Season Opener

It was only a matter of time before this happened. I'm honestly surprised we haven't seen this already. Concussions are probably, almost certainly, the biggest issue the NFL faces. Ever since Junior Seau blew his brains out and Will Smith did a movie about concussions in African voice, it's been the #1 reason parents don't want their children playing football. It's probably the #1 thing most athletes who make a career out of playing football are concerned about (at least the smart ones). Helmet technology has come so far in the last however many years. But as great as modern day helmets are, if there's something additional you can wear over your state-of-the-art, anti-concussion helmet that gives you even a 5% less chance of getting a concussion, then why wouldn't you do it?

The only two possible reasons I can think of to not wear a Guardian Cap, is because, 1. It looks stupid, or 2. It hinders your performance.

It looking stupid really isn't an excuse. I mean... it does look stupid. I can't deny that. But not having a fully functioning brain makes you literally stupid. So weigh the pro's and con's there. If I were really grasping for straws as a player coming up with reasons to not wear it, I might say that the Guardian Cap makes me look lame. Which will make fans think I'm less cool. Which will in turn impact my popularity and endorsement deals. So I'd rather take the health risk to look cool on the field and catch a bigger check from Nike to set up my family even better financially than I already have. But even typing that out feels like a stretch.

And as far as it hindering your performance, I can't imagine it actually does that. Maybe it feels ever-so-slightly heavier on your head. But I guarantee it's nothing that a player wouldn't get used to almost immediately.

It was only a matter of time before players started wearing these in real games. And I have to think it's only a matter of time before they become common place. And only a matter of time before the NFL makes them mandatory. For better or worse (probably better). Unless of course one of these helmet companies can come up with a "cooler" looking helmet that prevents concussions even more so than the Guardian Cap. But even if they do come up with that helmet, wouldn't wearing a Guardian Cap overtop of it just make it even more effective? The more brain protection the better right? Idk I'm not Will Smith. 

But for what it's worth, I don't think they look that bad. You can still see the logo fine. From a distance you could barely even tell Jonathan Taylor had one on. 

They're not nearly as noticeable as the real mushroom helmets players wear in practice.

Dirk Shadd. Shutterstock Images.

Get ready folks. The Guardian Caps are about to be here to stay. I can't imagine a world where that's not the direction we're headed.