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What Is The One Driving Law You'd Change?

On Wednesday's episode we got my favorite voicemail of the week on KFC Radio. They asked the question, “What’s one driving law you would change?” and brought the heat suggesting backing into parking spaces because it takes too long.

KFC said that one thing he would change would be to supply all ambulances and police cars with big pop-up tarps so that people would stop rubbernecking. It’s honestly pretty crazy that this isn’t something we don’t do already…feels like a win for everyone involved. The ambulance and the person getting treated get some privacy, and we, the drivers, don’t have to sit in traffic because of people rubbernecking.

The biggest law that I’d like to see changed is red light cameras. The fact that you can be hit with a ticket by an inanimate object is CRAZY. Listen, if a human catches me running a freshly turned red light (not that I ever would) then fair play to them. Red light cameras just take some of the spontaneity out of the game. It’s like VAR being introduced in soccer. Yeah it’s making for a cleaner, better officiated game, but if the ref didn’t see it in the first place then should it be getting reviewed by an official that’s hundreds of miles away? I don’t think so.

Giphy Images.

Another one that I’ve just never gotten is the whole toll thing. I know it’s in place for the betterment of the roads or whatever but the amount of violations you get is far too much. I swear every single time I go get the mail there’s a new letter from EZ Pass telling me I did something wrong that I have to pay for. Can’t we just print more money to cover these road costs instead? 

One I think they’ve gotten perfect though is the speed limits virtually everywhere. It’s the best. You’re always able to go fast enough, and it’s one of the only laws where there’s wiggle room involved. It’s pretty much an accepted thing that you can go about 5-10 mph over the speed limit without being pulled over. That rules. 

Want to submit your own video voicemail to the show? Click here.