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A Former Barstool Employee Allegedly Hired A Troll Farm Against Barstool Employees (Featuring Insight From Rico Bosco)

On today’s episode of KFC Radio a rumor arose that Alex Bennett may or may not have sent an internet hit out on KFC to be “troll farmed”. For those that don’t know what this is, you can basically buy different levels of packages to get hate sent to a specific person from a bunch of troll accounts.

When you take a step back from this whole thing it’s an absolutely hilarious scenario. Somebody took their hard earned money and said, “You know what I’m gonna do with this? Direct a bunch of anonymous hate towards a former co-worker”. Just think about some of the other things that could have been done with this money for a second. A nice dinner with friends? Nah. Treat yourself to a weekend getaway? Maybe next time. Spend several thousands of dollars for a coordinated troll attack? That's more like it.

The thing that I keep coming back to though is where has the integrity gone in the troll game? Much like a golf or baseball purist I’ve discovered through this that I think I’m a troll purist. I come from a time where you couldn’t just go out and buy trolls, you had to build up a fanbase that was willing to pick up a sword and fight for you (Shoutout to all my Team Portnoy brethren whom I locked arms with and went into battle with time and time again). 

What we have going on here is a cookie-cutter, easy way out troll job. You think Rico Bosco bought his trolls? Not a chance! This was a guy who grafted for years to form his hype circle. If you’re unfamiliar with that story, stop what you’re doing and read Tommy’s blog about that here.

As the expert on the subject I thought that it would be beneficial to reach out to Mr. Bosco for a comment on the matter:

Steve: Rico, as a reformed man who coordinated organized attacks on people through the use of hype circles and burners in the past, do you think some of the integrity in the troll game has been robbed through the buying of trolls?

Rico: Yeah, you gotta get it organically. You can’t be buying shit, it’s like buying followers.

Steve: Is there anything you’d like to say directly to those individuals who are accepting money to troll?

Rico: If there’s a dollar out there they can make, they might as well take it. Everything’s for sale.

There you have it. There's no honor in buying followers...but if there's a market for it you might as well capitalize. To hear the full reaction to the troll farm news, listen to today’s episode of KFC Radio!




