ODU Administration Outraged Over Vulgar Signs Hung From Off Campus Houses During Move-In Day

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FoxThe president of a Virginia college is “outraged” and has pledged action after several vulgar signs directed at incoming female students — and their mothers — were draped from the ledges of nearby off-campus houses.

“I said at my State of the University address that there is zero tolerance on this campus for sexual assault and sexual harassment,” Old Dominion University President John R. Broderick wrote in a Facebook post. “This incident will be reviewed immediately by those on campus empowered to do so. Any student found to have violated the code of conduct will be subject to disciplinary action.”

The bawdy banners were handwritten on what looked like large, white bed sheets and hung from porch ledges of private housing near the Norfolk campus.

“Rowdy and fun hope your baby girl is ready for a good time…”, “Freshman daughter drop off” and “Go ahead and drop off mom too…” were three of the signs captured in a picture posted to Facebook and preserved in a screengrab by the Huffington Post. The Facebook post has since been deleted.

The ODU Student Government also addressed the signs in a Facebook message and video featuring campus leaders.

“An incident occurred this weekend that does not reflect the university’s commitment to the prevention of sexual assault and dating violence,” the Facebook message said. “Not only do these actions taken by a few individuals undermine the countless efforts at Old Dominion University to prevent sexual assault, they are also unwelcoming, offensive and unacceptable.”

First of all this kid quoted in the article better hope this stays anonymous or else you’ll be looking at the first dude in the history of college to not make a single friend.

Broderick said at least one young student he talked to “thought seriously about going back home” after seeing the “offensive message.”

Contemplated turning around and going home and just canceling college because he was so offended by some jokes on signs. Sounds like he’s going to be a lot of fun at campus parties.

Anyway, you HAD to have seen this coming. Least shocking story of the day that some uptight administrators got all wound up about some offensive signs. I’m sure some incoming freshman girls already decided on their Women’s Studies majors were pretty flustered about them, but for everyone else who has a sense of humor and knows how to take a joke, move-in signs are one of the best traditions going.

I don’t think some R-rated jokes written on banners (like they are at every school across the country every move-in day for the past decade) give anyone with a functioning brain the idea that sexual violence is A-OK on campus, but maybe that’s just my common sense speaking.

I guess it’s kind of a good crash course for these freshmen on what college life in 2015 is going to be like for them? Tread very carefully with any sort of jokes you make.