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Sharks Off The Coast Of Brazil Test Positive For Cocaine

Sharks have tested positive for cocaine off Brazil’s coast, according to a new scientific study. 

Scientists with the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation tested 13 Brazilian sharpnose sharks who all tested positive for the drug, and 12 out of the 13 also tested positive for benzoylecgonine, cocaine’s primary metabolite. 

During the research, Hird said sharks were "tuned up. They were on full alert, ready to go, looking, looking, looking." He said while the sharks did go into hunting mode, there was no increase in aggressive behavior. 

As for how dangerous this could be for humans, Hird says the sharks are more of a danger to themselves than to people. 

"If cocaine made sharks hyper and didn't put them to sleep, my personal belief would be that it would make them much more skittish. And the loud noises, things like divers in the water splashing, — all that kind of stuff — it's actually going to drive them away because it's going to act as a deterrent," he said.

Giphy Images.

So the Sharks are blowing down but it's not even making them more aggressive? I am disappointed in the Sharks. They are legit turning into Narks by telling on the drug dealers and everyone smuggling. If they did the blow and then told the scientists they would be absolute narks. This is not the first time Sharks have tested positive for cocaine. There was a study off the coast of Florida that had similar results. In reality, I feel the scientists are doing all these tests to get in possession of research-grade cocaine in order to do it themselves. See in the article they even admit that when they test the impacts they don't even use real cocaine. 

For the experiments, researchers didn't actually feed cocaine to sharks. Instead, they used highly concentrated fish powder to give sharks a similar high, as close to cocaine as ethically possible. 

They are probably like "Yeah giving it to the sharks in unethical" but if we scientists do it its fine. The thing is sharks don't sleep anyway. So giving cocaine to a shark is like giving Ambien to a sloth, you really have no idea if it has any effect or it makes them any different. So it's the perfect cover to get government funding to do cocaine in your lab with all your nerd-ass scientists friends you invited to Brazil. 

They should make a movie like it though. Cocaine Bear needs a sequel and it could be cocaine bear vs cocaine sharks.

Giphy Images.