The Depressing Run Of Mike Trout Injuries Continues As He Leaves His Rehab Assignment Early With Left Knee Soreness

Brandon Sloter. Getty Images.

Time truly is a flat-circle, everything we know just repeats itself now. Especially when it comes to the lingering injuries that have plagued Mike Trout for the past few years. He finally was sent out on a rehab assignment after tearing the meniscus in his left knee a few months back. If everything went right he could have found himself back with the Angels as early as this week, but that plan quickly went out the window. 

Trout was able to be out there for all of 2 innings before having to leave early due to soreness in that surgically repaired knee. The plan was never for him to play the full game, but two innings clearly wasn't what they were aiming for. Such a brutal break for a guy who simply can't stay healthy and on the field anymore. I had tweeted earlier in the week that if Trout was able to come back the Angels should 1,000% eat a majority of his salary and trade him. They have nothing going on with that franchise, need help rebuilding their farm system and really could have used the prospects they could have gotten back for Trout. Now that likely isn't even possible. He's listed as day-to-day but who knows how long this thing will linger, he turns 33 in 2 weeks and that body just can't bounce back from injuries anymore. 

This is sadly the Mike Trout we have now. We're done with the high flying, home run hitting superstar. This is his life now. Rehabbing and trying to avoid injury season after season. He hasn't played in more than 134 games since 2019, half a decade ago. The guy's body is falling apart at a rapid rate and it sucks to see. He went from a slam dunk "Best player of our generation" to a sad "what could have been" story. The records we thought we would see fall at the hands of Trout, that is no more.

I'm sure we'll see him come back in September and he'll hit like 2 bombs against the Mariners as the Angels are 25 games back of 1st and no one will blink. It does suck to see guys you saw their whole career just fall apart. Father Time is undefeated and it seems like it has caught up to Trout in a major way. Who knows what we see of Trout again, this may be par for the course for him now. No shot he's traded now so the Angels will repeat their ways of just kind of existing. They're just….there. They'll sell some other players and float off into the abyss again. Sucks to see this happen over and over to Trout though, the guy is just rapidly deteriorating.