Scientists Find 7 ft Ancestor Of Humans in South Africa

Homo heidelbergensis was taller - averaging 7 ft - and more robust than modern humans [Mounier 2009]. Regarding social behaviour, Homo heidelbergensis may have been the first species to bury their dead, based on 28 skeletons found at Atapuerca, Spain. Evidence suggests the development and use of a proto-language. The discovery of red ochre at Terra Amata indicates personal adornment. Dental analysis suggests they may have been right-handed. Homo heidelbergensis was a sophisticated hunter, suggested by wooden projectile spears found at Schoningen in Germany attributed to this species. Homo heidelbergensisThe first Homo heidelbergensis fossil discovery of this species was made in 1907 by Daniel Hartmann at Mauer in Germany. Other fossils have since been discovered in France, Greece, Italy, Spain and China. In 1994, a discovery was made in England at the Boxgrove Quarry site, known as 'Boxgrove Man'. In terms of the evolutionary tree, with the spread of Homo heidelbergensis out of Africa and into Europe, the climate at this time would have caused a divergence: Homo neanderthalensis diverged from Homo heidelbergensis probably some 300,000 years ago in Europe; Homo sapiens probably diverged between 200,000 and 100,000 years ago in Africa.

So today on audiocraic we had a well-informed Tik Tok Paleoarchiologist. He has done some fascinating work on random parts of history to which we do not pay enough attention. He breaks down tons of cool topics that are just outright fascinating. His TikTok is breaking down and exposing millions so people to cool facts and all sorts of ancient mysteries. 

Definitely check out some more of these and please listen to the episode. Talking about Ancient Shark Attacks. 

Beast Apes

Ancient human bones in showers

Cookie cutter sharks and more. 

The dude is rich with info and I had to pick his brain. Its a great episode that I really implore you to check out.