Golf Tough: Ted Scott Was So Sick During Round 2 He Was Forced To Lie Down On The Course Between Shots, Still Has Scottie Top-5

Kevin C. Cox. Getty Images.
Kevin C. Cox. Getty Images.

Gotta admit the whole lay down vs lie down and direct vs indirect object rule may have gotten me here. I might need to go to class with Francis, because I'm 100% dumber the older I get and becoming a dad. Got that out of the way. Had to admit it right off the bat. As for Ted Scott? The man is a grinder! This is part of the reason why Scottie is so good. I know people like to dismiss caddies but look at Scottie since Ted Scott took over on the bag for him in November of 2021. Little hint: every single win came after that change and so did becoming the No. 1 golfer in the world. 

I will argue that one of the worst places to feel like shit while also likely having to shit your brains out is the golf course. Not a lot of options unless you want to be an animal and go take a dump in the woods. Good luck wiping with a golf towel. Even at the nicest courses, you're talking about bathrooms that just stink. You can picture them now. They smell awful, you can see the toilet and immediately gag, you don't know the last time it was cleaned because 100% of them have toilet paper just sitting in random places on the floor or hanging off of the toilet. 

But this is where Ted Scott comes into play. The man wasn't going to let Scottie go out there without him. Not at The Open. He already missed round 3 at Valhalla because of his kid's graduation and we know what happened to Scottie there. So you suck it up. You take a quick snooze on the side of the green. You take a break when you can, carrying a bag sucks. You tell everyone you'll be fine and zombie walk to the next hole with dreams of laying down again.