David Wells Tells The Story Of The Time That He Almost Fought George Steinbrenner In The Yankees Clubhouse

On today's Pardon My Take... DAVID WELLS! The former Major League Pitcher joined Mr. Cat and Mr. Commenter on today's show live from Lake Tahoe to talk about his career, his mom being in Hell's Angels, his perfect game hangover, and more.

Another interesting topic from this interview included Wells telling the story about the time that he almost kicked George Steinbrenner’s ass. Yes, that is a real sentence. Instead of leading off with some commentary, I will let Boomer tell the full story from today's show...

When it comes to sports owners in history, George Steinbrenner is one of the most famous ones out there. One wrong thing said or done, and you could very well have been packing your bags and leaving the Bronx. So, for David Wells to have gone THIS route with "The Boss" takes an enormous amount of guts. This is hands down my favorite exchange from this Wells-Steinbrenner interaction:

George Steinbrenner: "You ain't the pitcher I signed."

David Wells: "Excuse me?"

George Steinbrenner: "You ain't the pitcher I signed."

David Wells: "Well, if you don't fucking like me, why don't you trade me?"

George Steinbrenner: "I tried. Nobody wants you."

Just the ultimate mic drop. There is no comeback good enough to keep that conversation going, especially facing George Steinbrenner. A masterclass in roasting one of your players.