Michael Kay Started Crying On His Show About SNY Saying The Mets Have The Best Broadcast Booth In Baseball


I apologize for breaking the peace between Mets and Yankees fans that happened when last night's Mikal Bridges trade inspired a ceasefire between the local baseball fanbases.

But goddamn that was a tough look for the voice of the greatest team in baseball history. George Steinbrenner must have been doing somersaults six feet under during that entire diatribe as Kay's cohosts tried to steer him out of the worst take of the day. 

Look, I get being confident in yourself and hating the idea of the network that signs your paycheck saying the network across town has guys that are better at their job than you. But it's just a simple fact of life that pretty much every Mets fan believes, countless Yankees fans believe, tons of other baseball fans I have talked to believe, SNY undoubtedly believe, and God knows how many websites believe.

I'm not saying Kay shouldn't be upset about his own company running commercials saying he's not the best. I'm sure some people at Barstool would be upset if an ad ran during one of their appearances on The Rundown saying that Portnoy, Big Cat, and KFC are the best Rundown trio no matter how true it is. Those people are clearly as delusional as Michael Kay is in that rant. But I guess delusion is a cousin of confidence, which is a good thing to have, even if it makes you sound like a crying baby on the radio for a four minute stretch.

H/t Simon