An Absolute Lunatic Was Throwing Chairs Off Of A New York High-Rise Building

Jeeeeeeeeeeesus Christ. I've heard about New York City slipping (back) into a hellish place where there is total disregard for human life as we know it. But I was always proud of how New Yorkers didn't go full Purge Mode by tossing shit off of the giant overpriced buildings they live in since we all had heard the urban legend that a penny thrown off the bitch ass Empire State Building could kill someone walking below (The Myth Busters busted that once up on a time but I still believe it).

Which is why this video shook me to my core because if the people scurrying through the rat race that is daily life in New York aren't safe from some real life supervillain throwing furniture at them from high-rises, we are truly fucked as a civilization. 

So I read up on exactly what happened and it oddly made me feel better.

NY Post- A Florida man hurled lawn chairs and other items off a 20-story Midtown Manhattan highrise in a bizarre caught-on-camera tantrum – with the debris narrowly missing passersby on the street below. Jean Olivier, 33 – whose last known address is in the city of West Park – is seen in a brief clip tossing the chairs from a landing one level down from the roof of 555 Fifth Ave., an office building near East 46th Street that houses a Barnes & Noble on the Ground Floor.

Olivier had apparently visited the Consulate General of Haiti inside the building, complaing about housing, then flipped out and threw a chair, law enforcement sources said.

Ahhhh now it makes perfect sense! New Yorkers left to their own devices are crazy, but they at least have a limit. A Florida Man however has no limit. He is The Joker of American citizens whose only goal is to be an agent of chaos. Put a sick and twisted fuck like that smack dab in the middle of Gotham, whose overcrowded filthy streets can cause any sane man to lose his mind, and you get the video above. 

So shout out New Yorkers for not being complete and utter dickheads capable of shit like that, as well as scaffolding for providing safety in exchange for making 90% of the city look like absolute garbage that is perennially under construction.