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We're In For An All-Time Rory Week If He's Already Walking In The Last 5' Of This Birdie Putt On 18

I'm a huge Rory guy. I know people either love him or they hate him, and I think that's what makes him such a fun guy to root for. I fall on the side that loves the guy. Scottie is on an unreal run right now but there's still something missing from his personality that makes him compelling on Sundays. That generation of Rory, Spieth, and Rickie just seem so much more exciting when they're in contention than guys like Scottie, Xander, and Cantlay. 

Another major win for Rory would be--to use a phrase we've been overusing since 2014 when he won his last major--electric. And if this birdie putt on 18 in the first round today is any indication, we're going to be watching Rory deep into Sunday afternoon. 

Granted, he got a good read from Scottie's putt on 18 right before him so he had a good idea about what that ball was going to do. He knew as soon as he was on that line that the ball was going to drop in. But the ball barely left the face of the putter before he started to stroll that thing in there. That's a cocky Rory, and a cocky Rory is a dangerous Rory. 

Sidenote: It has to be an immaculate day to be posted up at The Deuce watching these guys come up 18. 
