It's A Damn Shame Professional Golfers Aren't Allowed To Drink While Playing On The Most Immaculate Courses

First off, this blog is an excuse to say "I've been to Pinehurst before, so let me tell you about it". It'll probably be the only major played on a course I've stepped foot on, so of course we can make this about me for a little. 

Now anyone who has been to Pinehurst will immediately tell you that one of the greatest parts about the property is The Cradle. You get your shit kicked in by No. 2, you get your shit kicked in by No. 4, but The Cradle is where you can finally relax and not feel like you're under siege every time you stand over your ball. You grab your putter and a couple of wedges, take a nice leisurely stroll through the par 3 course, enjoy some crispy beverages, and forget that anything in the world even exists. 

So when I first saw they were using The Cradle as a range this week for the US Open, I thought that has to be the best range on tour for these guys. But the more I stopped to think about has to be the biggest tease in the world. I just can't imagine playing that course without a drink in your hand. Seems like it should be illegal, quite frankly. 

And that goes for every incredible course these guys play on all year. I'm not saying guys should be ripping shots of Pink Whitney between every hole. It just sucks that they don't even get to enjoy a cocktail in a plastic cup on their walk up the 18th fairway after finishing up a 4.5 hour round on an immaculate course. It would be like if you told chefs that they're not allowed to taste their food. You should be able to enjoy the best part of your job, and there's just something about walking down a fairway that makes a beer feel colder and taste better than any beer you've had before. 

I get that it's a job, and I'm sure that playing for a few million dollars is enough of a trade off to be alright with waiting until after the round to enjoy a few drinks in the clubhouse. But would anyone really have an issue with these guys being able to gas a few drinks on the back 9? Maybe no cocktails until after you've hit your tee shot on 18. It's just a massive part of the game we're robbing from them. 
