One Of Our New Interns Tried To Walk Onto The University Of Florida To Play Runningback Four Years In A Row Despite Zero Football Experience

Focus On Sport. Getty Images.

That is Emmitt Smith. One of the greatest Runningbacks of all-time who attended the University of Florida. 

This is Fred Taylor. Another all-time NFL RB. He also played for the University of Florida.

Then we have intern Jacob. Despite having zero football experience in high school, he tried to walk on to play Runningback for the Gators as a college student. 

Despite running a 40-yard dash in the 5.4-5.5 range (per him), he tried to play Runningback for the Gators. He legitimately thought he has a shot to make the team each year and I'm going to be honest…I respect the hell out of this. Just a dude, training his ass off to try and do something he has no shot to do. Just trying to live his dream. This is crazy as hell but also cool as shit. 

And while it didn't necessarily work out, he's got four official Gators practice jerseys and a funny story to tell. Go Jacob go!

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