This Neverending Thread Of Angel Hernandez Fuck Ups Is Proof He Is Forever The Umpiring WOAT

I had to cut this thread off before we even got halfway through it because I'm pretty sure the Barstool backend would crash and burn if we embedded all of them in a single blog. You can view the whole thread on Twitter by clicking here. In fact, Elon Musk's Twitter being able to handle a thread of more than 20 videos after all those tech experts said it would collapse under its own weight years ago is extremely impressive. Not as impressive as an umpire being able to have a thread of bad calls this long keep his job and work playoff games for decades. But impressive nonetheless.

Hubbs did a great job detailing Angel's reign of terror on Major League Baseball when it was announced he was retiring. My personal favorite part of Angel Hernandez's god awful calls weren't when they would benefit my Mets, because I knew sooner or later Angel would buttfuck us with an egregious call in a big moment, which added a whole lot of unneeded stress to watching the game of baseball, which is already filled to the gills with stress. No, my favorite part was watching the player who just benefitted from an Angel disaster class quietly hold in his happiness because he just stole a strike, a ball, an out, or maybe even a run. I imagine the rush going through those pitchers after they stole a strike due to their catcher framing a pitch was the same as when you thought your parents were going to punish you for something and instead somehow praised you for doing the right thing. 

I don't know who the next great terrible umpire will be, but it won't be long until we find out since only the awful umpires names are known by fans. Thankfully the previous king weighed in on Angel Hernandez as only he could.

Obligatory hat tip to Cowboy Joe West for wearing an arm band to spread awareness against this type of slander.

So shout out to Angel Herandez for being the one common villain all 30 fanbases could rally against, a legit WOAT that helped spur the robot ump revolution immeasurably, and the face of incompetence that helped churn out baseball content every year no matter how long the dog days of summer felt. #RE55PECT.