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White Sox Dave Is In Germany Doing White Sox Dave Things: Thinks Germans Are Obsessed with Metallica, Not Realizing They Were Playing In Munich The Same Night

Our best and brightest, White Sox Dave, is over in Europe this week making Americans proud and showing them why the United States is still the cock of the walk. Dave is currently in Munich.

Just so happens Metallica also happens to be in Munich today, playing Olympic Stadium (capacity 80,000). 

That didn't stop Dave from making this astute observation though-

Ed is right. This is why Dave is the best. Picturing him walking around Munich in awe at all the people he's seen rocking Metallica t-shirts, not realizing they're there, is laugh-out-loud funny. 

I'm sure he's right. Europeans are fucking crazy when it comes to things they like and obviously if you like "Master Of Puppets", you also have "My Heart Will Go On" in your favorites playlist. 

The real talk, though, is that Metallica is kicking off their European tour this weekend, doing three sold-out shows at the Olympic Stadium in Munich. So Dave's not wrong. Selling out an 80,000-person venue three nights in a row is no easy feat. Their stage and visuals setup look equally badass/impressive. 

p.s. - still doesn't come close to comparing to these scenes from Moscow in 1991

p.p.s. - why didn't we get a cameraman over there following Dave around this trip? No offense to Mintz but give me Dave's takes on and exploration of other cultures all day every day.