Mariah May Stunned Everyone By Breaking Out The Most Creative, Innovative Move In All Of Wrestling Last Night - The Motorboat

AEW! AEW! Or something like that. I'm sure Mariah May learned this move in Stardom, but we're on the big stage now. You're wrestling out in Vegas, the night before Double or Nothing, you have one time to break out the perfect motorboat/booby trap/#hotgirlgraps move and it was executed perfectly. Incredible all the way around that really brought me back to the 90s of wrestling, even with Nigel McGuinness going full Jerry Lawler with the 'I wish I was still wrestling' line. Thought he was about to sneak in a puppies yell at some point. 

Mariah May's whole character so far is just to copy Toni Storm, be exactly her and everything even though May is awesome. So do something a little different and steal the show with the most electrifying move in women's sports entertainment. It wasn't just the motorboat move though, it was the Elaine-esque dance after. 

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It's not just about completing the single move, you gotta add to it. Think of Cena with the 5-knuckle shuffle, it's about the shimmy. Same goes for The Rock and the People's Elbow. Even when Stone Cold hit the double birds before the Stunner, it's about showmanship and that's what Mariah May has damnit! Now she needs to bring back this move as a double finisher 

Always gotta find a way to be creative, can't just rely on nostalgia. Motorboating your opponent is one way to lock in a win.