What The Hell Is The World Coming To? The Vandy Whistler & I Are Friendly Now?

Big Cat asked me to do a million view viral video and I could stay an additional day in Hoover for the SEC Tourney for each one I did.

I immediately knew there was only one move..... to go back after the Vandy Whistler. In 2022, we had quite the run in when I confronted him to let him know he's a disgrace to the Southeastern Conference.

This was possibly my all time most viral video of my Barstool career. The whole SEC hates each other but are united in their disdain for the Whistler because he ruins being at baseball games on the reg.

Big Cat even started a rumor that I killed him. There are two of them and I believe one might actually be dead.... BUT I DID NOT DO IT!

When the Whistler offered his hand in friendship, I was utterly shocked and had NO CLUE how to respond. I need to get meaner I guess because I ended up shaking hands and taking a picture with him.

To make matters even more confusing, last night, I was watching the Miss State/Texas A&M game at the SEC Tourney in Hoover when I came across this picture on my Twitter timeline. 

I immediately thought Brandon Walker had popped up at the SEC Tourney with the Vandy Whistler in Hoover to support Miss State and troll me. So I had my producer Tyler Moody look for Brandon around the Miss State dugout area for over 5 minutes looking for Brandon.

It turns out Brandon was at Wrigley Field with his Uncle Doug who is a new Barstool legend.

And to top it off, Uncle Doug destroyed the Destroyer in viral numbers yesterday. I just met him walking in the office and he clearly is a much better human than the Vandy Whistler!

Brandon would have enjoyed being in Hoover last night as the Mississippi State Bulldogs won another thriller 5- 3 over Texas A&M. State is in prime position to host an NCAA Regional next week after struggling the last two years. Maybe if the Bulldogs make the CWS in Omaha, Brandon and the Whistler will actually spend some time together. Only time will tell. 

But once and for all, I want to formally apologize to Uncle Doug for mistaking him for the Vandy Whistler, who did get 1.6 million views on his video. Say what you will about the Whistler, the man equals ratings. And for the record, he still annoys the hell out of me.