A Mom Lost Her Goddamn Mind At A School Awards Ceremony After Her Kid Walked Away Without Winning Anything


I'm sure you can find a million responses of people piling on about how screaming your face off during a school ceremony is a straight up psycho move and certainly something I would never pull. But I tried to place myself in this mom's shoes of why the fuck someone would go nuclear over your kid not receiving a certificate that would sit on the refrigerator for few months before inevitably getting thrown out and realized this is just the parenting version of what Cryin' Rick Carlisle did last week.

It doesn't matter if your kid deserved to win an award or not. Sometimes you just have to show them that you are willing to embarrass yourself in public so they know they have someone on their side through thick and thin. Again, none of the other parents wanted to hear that shit since most people are counting down the seconds of school functions once their kids and their friends have finished their parts, just like the NBA officials didn't want to sort through SEVENTY EIGHT complaints from Game 1 and 2. However that kid found out he had someone in the trenches with him, which will clearly lead to the educational version of winning 4 of 5 games including a Game 7 at The Garden where the road team REFUSES TO MISS A SHOT. 

Yeah, I'm still not over this awesome Knicks season being over which is why I didn't watch last night's Pacers/Celtics game and have no clue how this guy wearing tha did in crunch time of what was apparently a super close game.

Alright, enough of being a sore loser crybaby. Speaking of which, good luck to any teachers that have that kid in the coming years because everything about that video is a bigger red flag than anything flying in China. I know that some schools allow parents to request teachers for their children. But I wonder if some schools do the opposite and allow teachers to request not having a kid because they and/or their parents absolutely positively suck.