Anthony Edwards Is The Single Best Shit Talker In All Of Sports, NBA Needs To Beg Him To Never Change

I know there's been the whole face of the league debate with Anthony Edwards and it's real because of this right here. Not only is he winning and an elite player, he has the most personality we've seen in an NBA player in a long, long time. He doesn't care who you are, what role you play, if he's on TV or not he will say whatever is on his mind. If that happens to be to a 70-year old man trying to enjoy his Nuggets in game 7, so be it. Get the fuck out of his gym if you don't like it. 

Also hilarious that he's saying this about Jamal Murray who scored 35 yesterday, but it was the fact he took 27 shots to get there. Don't you dare tell Anthony Edwards he didn't have Jamal in handcuffs. He did his part and that's all that matters. Now we get to watch him do it against Luka or Kyrie and continue to work himself into the set of Hustle. 

But, look, this is about what Edwards is doing for the NBA. They have a guy with all this personality, who is young, on a team making a run, capitalize on it! They should be making sure he never does any sort of PR class or some bullshit like that to sound like everyone else when he answers a question. Adam Silver needs to beg Anthony Edwards to never change. Agree to never fine him just to let him act however he wants like this. It's what makes it entertaining and that's all that matters. 

The man is dragging the Wolves to the Western Conference Finals. You could make a case he's the most entertaining man in all of sports along with being the best shit talker. Generational talent.