Introducing The Perfect Summer Beer

I understand that a lot of men reading this blog prefer a seltzer. That's what it is. I got no problem with you guys provided you're not looking for one. 

Beer drinkers? I have something very serious for our community and I mean very serious. 

I am nearly certain that I found the Beer Of The 2024 Summer Season. 


It's the smoothest light beer I've had since Miller Lite. I really mean that. It's light and crisp and extra refreshing. They could have easily called it Extra Everything. Smooth. Delicious. Ice Cold. 

It's such a good beer and I only recently started dabbling when my local Jewel discounted a couple 12-ers to 8.99 room temperature. Fine for me with ice at home. And in that moment, I realized I never took a Miller 64 that serious to begin with. Maybe the rebrand was worth a concerted effort? 


Now a lot of people think this is an ad. It is not. I am free and clear of any 3rd party influence to spread the word or spark a cause or anything of that nature. In fact I very well could be disappointing a Miller Lite brand rep right this instant because I am eschewing their efforts in favor of a lighter option. 

So be it. 

I speak from the heart here and I'm telling you this is a great fuckin beer. 

Better that Miller Lite? 

Nobody fuckin said that so why are you putting those words in my mouth? 

My point is I want a summer beer that can comfortably live in the double digits on a hot day. I need a beer for the golf course that can be annihlated after a bad shot without compromising my Nassau or Scotch or the like. Something that appeals to all the different social aspects of a warm summer day, every summer day. 

This is that beer. 

Some other people might see it as an effort to slow down. As I said repeatedly on CarlCast last night that it is the quite opposite. It's a foot down, all gas no brakes declaration heading into the summer. I'm throwing Extra Lights in the cooler and not looking back. That's the way forward. That's what we're doing. 

Now in doing so, I've gotta free up some space in the cooler. It's not a 40-man roster subject to decades of collective bargaining so don't overreact. I just need to make sure there's enough room to add a couple. 

Over an entire 24-man bed of ice, I'll probably add just 6 at this point. If we're doing a BYOB concert, then maybe 6 + a bottle of Chardonnay? I'm flexing my brain into different hypotheticals and keep coming back with 6-beers and I think the trade out has to be on the hazy/double IPA front. No better time to start swapping out the heavy hitters with something a little more user friendly for the extra hours of sunlight. 

Which again brings me back to Miller Extra Light (not sponsored). This is a good beer and I want you guys to consider it next time you're in the position. Especially if you're gravitating to a Mic Ultra or some equivalent on the basis of volume + taste. There's no worthy comparison on this front but I encourage you to see for yourself. 

Otherwise have a great Friday guys. Memorial Weekend only comes once a year and I'd hate to see this one go to waste over bad cooler management. 

Add an Extra Light and thank me later.