Noted Wet Blanket MLB Writer Bill James Simply Doesn't Have Enough Brain Cells To Worry About If Prospects Like Paul Skenes Are Going To Be Good

You knew there were gonna be a few wet blanket, vanilla folks out there who weren't excited about top MLB pitching prospect Paul Skenes as he made his debut on Saturday in Pittsburgh. Turns out it's the same wet blanket it always is, Bill James. 

This is a guy who simply doesn't have enough brain cells to worry about if these prospects are going to be good. Wake him up when Paul Skenes wins his 7th Cy Young, until then don't talk to him about Skenes or any other prospect. This is the exact reason people hate baseball writers. This "holier than thou" attitude. Don't bother Bill with any update on Skenes' line until he's reached his 10 years of service time, don't even think about it. It's okay to be excited about players and teams Bill, I promise. It's okay to show an ounce of excitement. No wonder why the game isn't growing at the rate that it should be, we have these budding superstars but the folks who are gatekeeping the sport are telling fans that they simply don't give a shit. 

Strasburg debut? Couldn't wake Bill out of a slumber for that. Aaron Judge home run in his first career game? Nah, Bill doesn't care. Manny Machado triple for his first hit in his debut game? Bill was SNOOZING during that. Skenes was the most hyped pitching prospect we've seen in like 15 years and he openly is telling people he doesn't care, this is what's wrong with the dinosaurs in the press box. Imagine being a Pirates fan and seeing this, those fans haven't had a player like this to fawn over since Brian Giles, a true savior of the franchise (Cruz ain't a savior). So now they're being told not to care by this old man. How dare those fans have an ounce of hope and actually be excited to watch their top prospect! Don't you dare tell James about Skenes 7 Ks in 4 IPs though, please don't give him that update until 2031. 

These guys are so miserable about anything that isn't Syracuse, Diet Coke or Bruce Springsteen. Don't be excited for Skenes and his 102 MPH fastball but go crazy for a 75 year old Bruce mailing it in on stage. Such a miserable way to go through life. Openly announcing to his following that he can't be bothered and don't care. Weird, weird move for a man who has actually done a lot for the game of baseball. But this old man "here is me yelling at a cloud" stuff is tired and played out. Get these dinosaurs out of the game, I truly think they think it's a badge of honor to let people know they don't like the players or the game anymore. Reminder that these guys are the ones who vote for the Hall, just remember that.