Tyreek Hill Speaks The Truth, Says That Lacrosse Players Are The Best Athletes In The World

Rob Carr. Getty Images.

If there's one thing I know for certain about professional athletes, it's that you should take their opinions as fact. There's nobody in the world who is more factually correct in all their thoughts on life than pro athletes. They are all reasonably-sensed, well-adjusted, critical-thinking human beings. 

Now sometimes an idiot sneaks through the cracks. Most recently, that idiot was Austin Rivers as he claimed that there are easily 30 players in the NBA right now who you could slot into an NFL roster. Which prompted noted philosopher Robert Griffin The Third to tweet out this question. 

A fantastic question. Clearly there is no room for nuance in this discussion. It's not like both sports could produce elite athletes with separate skill sets that don't necessarily translate perfectly to the other sport. The answers are simple--A or B. Or so you'd think! 

But in comes Tyreek Hill with the actual right answer. It's C. Lacrosse players. 

There's not a single person reading this blog right now who is a better athlete than Tyreek Hill. I can assure you that. I don't care how great you are on your beer league softball team. Your opinion means less than dog shit on athleticism compared to Tyreek Hill. So if he says that lacrosse produces the best athletes in the world, then that's what we're going with. And honestly, I can't think of a single argument against it. 

College lacrosse has sent guy(s) to the NFL. College lacrosse has sent guy(s) to the NBA. But how many guys played 4 years of college football or basketball and then went on to play professional lacrosse? Zero. Not a one. Case closed right there. 

And speaking of professional lacrosse, I just hope everyone got their ticket to hop on the Waterdogs train before it leaves the station. 

More points than anyone in the country right now. Set the Ivy League record for most career points. Matt Brandau is a certified dude. Now you get to add him to an attack unit that already has 2 guys who could be in the MVP conversation every summer. The Waterdogs might score 40 goals every week. Dawgs on top, baby. 

