I Don't Know What This Sport Is But Put It In The Olympics And Let Us Bet On It

I have absolutely no idea what this event is or any idea if it's a real sport/event or activity. It looks like a video from a drunken group of frat boys on spring break. However, even if I have no idea what it is, there is no denying it's captivating. Absolutely captivating. I can't stress enough it looks like something you dream up on vacation, or being an idiot with your friends on a trip. Growing up that was all you did before girls and phones. Make up a game ... usually dangerous. Who can walk along this narrow plank the longest, who can jump this puddle etc. I had a friend and his brother who literally I can trace back to all my bruises, scars and fears growing up. While you were thinking if something was a bad idea, they were already doing it. This behavior of nonsense doesn't end when you are 13 it keeps going your entire adult male life. 

I know this because one time at a family friends house we found a VHS tape (google it) of my parents and 4-5 other couples on a cruise when they were newly married. They were the drunken 20 something's on the cruise and spent the entire cruise acting like it. At one point in the video they are ignoring the life vest training and standing on a cooler mimicking surfing. The real kicker was at one point they are out in the ocean and see a cliff out in the distance. The debate starts, how long will it take to get out there, can they climb the rock up to the cliff, and the million dollar question can they jump off? Behind the camera one of the woman goes "here they go all the macho assholes" and you watched the guys all swim out. This is just what everyone does, make up a game with your friends. 

The real bonus here would be can we get an event like this at the Olympics and can we bet on it. Think about trying to make sense of a guy climbing a pole and making it to the other side. Pretending like you know anything about the sport, or how to break it down would be electric. Betting the over/under on seconds in the air, will a guy land on his front or back? Endlessly possibilities. Put this on TV and let us wager on it.