Hip Hop Is Thriving After A WILD Video Of Jim Jones Fighting Two Guys On An Airport Escalator Was Released


Pardon the dated reference to open the blog, but can hip hop be any more back? We have diss tracks between two legends of the industry coming out seemingly every hour and video of another taking on two dudes in a WWE hardcore match on an airport escalator. The 1990s and early 2000s have been waxed poetically by Olds like myself. But it's hard to hate on a time where big time diss tracks and real life hardcore matches were commonplace along with people doing DX crotch chops to each other along with outright reckless NSFW content everywhere you looked.

That being said, I need to know what happened in that airport that caused this kind of brouhaha to go down. Because there are very few times in life I am more at ease than after I get off an airplane. Sure you have to walk the terminal, pick up your bags, and figure out transportation to wherever you are going. But no longer being jammed on a tin can 30,000 feet in the air that can just start shaking like crazy at any given moment has me grateful as fuck that my feet are on solid ground.

As for the actual fight, what is there not to love? We have Jim Jones pulling off a suplex that could make Kurt Angle cum, a nameless combatant putting his glasses back on so he can clearly see the unhinged rapper he is about to enter combat with, and security trying to break things up by shouting "STOP IT! KNOCK IT OFF!" like everyone's mom did whenever some horseplay with your siblings went too far.

Actually I know what there is not to love. This may be the dad in me talking, but seeing people fight on the escalator just doesn't sit right with me. You want to brawl in the food court, the elevator, or even that flat escalator that exists in every airport that only hardos don't stand on, fine. But there is something about the giant sharp teeth of an escalator that turn me into Brodie from Mallrats.

Other than that, the video was great....Unless you are guy that was wailing "OWWWWW. OWWWWW. OWWWWW". Hopefully he is feeling better today.