Dave and Busters Will Begin Allowing Customers To Bet On Their Arcade Games Like Pop-A-Shot And Skee-Ball


Let me say a few things on this monumental day in arcade game history:

1. Genius move by Dave and Busters. Hate all you want and say "that's what Venmo is for" if you wish to indict yourself into a federal investigation, but at the end of the day, with gambling becoming more and more legalized, it is an innovative brain move from the CEO to get some skin in the game. And for the sake of the industry as a whole, I hope Chuck-E-Cheese is taking note. For the parents, of course.

2. There's no such thing as a "friendly $5 wager on Skee-Ball". Say what you need to for the regulators to be happy, and it's smart to keep it at $5 so no one gets seriously bankrupt like some of the internet is implying they will, but sometimes it's just the principle of the thing. You know there's going to be hands tossed one day, and I can't wait for that day to see the front cover of the NY Post with "25 Person Brawl Ignited By Pop-A-Shot Dispute".

Ugh, part of me wishes it was more than $5. I am going to politically correctly say that it's right to limit the ability to truly negatively impact someone's finances, but I love the idea of a hustler out there bricking shots off the side of Pop-A-Shot until a rich, finance bro comes in and puts some real coin down, only to get ransacked by a guy who can do this:

I want people out here making a career living on Skee-Ball, but for now, I guess we'll settle for taking $5 from their friends.

Holy shit I see that Dave and Buster's is now trending on Twitter and the whiners and complainers of this world are up in arms that this is the end of society.

I could literally post 100,000 of these. You'd think someone just posted an AI Generated picture of two bears having sex with the way the public outrage is flowing. We know we're talking about $5 for people over the age of 18 here, right?