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An Airline Passenger Captures Incredibly Clear Video of a UFO Over LaGuardia

Drew Angerer. Getty Images.

According to the best damned information source in the world, Wikipedia, LaGuardia Airport handles 369,393 aircraft operations and moves 32,372,260 passengers. I assume that means annually. Though if it's daily, that would go a long way in explaining what a cluster it is. 

Anyway with all those planes, passengers and eyeballs looking out windows, it would come as no surprise if some of them have witnesses strange and unexplained happenings. And at least two have, very recently. And one just happened to be recording out the window and inadvertently captured something positively astonishing. An object that is impossible to explain by any conventional means:

Source  - Michelle Reyes caught a video of a mysterious “flying cylinder,” possibly a UFO, from her airplane window above LaGuardia Airport in New York City. 

“The first thing I did was email the FAA to let them know what I saw. Maybe it was a safety hazard, but unfortunately, they didn’t acknowledge my email,” Reyes said during an appearance Wednesday night on “Banfield.”

Ben Hansen, a UFO investigator, joined the conversation on “Banfield” to analyze the video. 

“We’ve found no evidence that she (Reyes) faked this or hoaxed it. … It’s there. It’s very clear, which is unusual.” …

[A]nother passenger apparently saw the object, as well. 

“It’s a little nerve-wracking that someone else saw what I saw.”

Before we look to some mundane explanation everyone always defaults to, like this was a drone or a balloon or whatever, note what Ben Hansen says at the 3:30 mark. That the jetliner was going over 200 mph, and this cylinder zipped past it in 1/7th of a second. I was promised I wouldn't have to do math in this job, but 7 X 200 mph = wicked bloody fast. Too fast for just some black mylar balloon from the party store a 60th birthday. If it were passing by Michelle Reyes' window in the other direction, maybe. But it blew by like the plane was standing still. 

And if you're asking why more people didn't see it with all that airline traffic going in and out, I have a hypothesis. After blogging this earlier in the week:

… I followed up by listening to a conversation Lex Friedman had with Stanford professor of immunology Gary Nolan. (Just to give you an idea of what a nonstop adrenaline rush my life is, this is the kind of thing that's in my ear pods at the gym when a guy my age is expected to be geezer rocking it to Springsteen and Petty.) Nolan is the guy Tucker Carlson referred to when he mentioned an expert who's been brought in by the government to study military personnel who've suffered sickness and even death after close encounters with UAPs. And here he mentions a part of the brain called the basal ganglia, which acts as a sort of CPU. "The brain of the brain," he calls it:

And doing MRIs on these UFO experiencers, what they at first mistook as damage to this part of the brain was, in fact, healthy tissue. So basically this part that handles perception and other high functions was enhanced in these people. And further research not only has shown it's much more common among people who've witnessed these phenomena than in the general public, they tend to find it in a high percentage of couples. So perhaps people sense it one another and that is part of what attracts them to a partner. 

In other words, some people are just physically and psychologically predisposed to sensing these craft. Or aliens. Or inter-dimensional beings. Or "spiritual entities." Call them what you will. And if Michelle Reyes isn't wired that way, she at least had a camera on her phone that managed to do what the brains of tens of millions of airline passengers couldn't. 

If you've got a better explanation, I'd love to hear it. Just don't try to sell me on that being a bug, a balloon, or a drone.