"There's Gonna Be A Lot Of Tears For That Team Over There" - Cutter Gauthier With An All-Time Backfire Quote Before The College Hockey National Championship

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Boston College was one of the most loaded teams you could ever throw together on a college hockey roster. They had a 1st round draft pick on the ice at all times, and most times they at least had 2 or 3 out there. So you could see why they'd be confident heading into the NCAA Tournament as the 1-seed. 

Sometimes the line between confident and cocky gets a little blurred. But all things considered, you need to be pretty cocky to get to the point where some of these guys are at. You don't get to be an elite offensive prospect like Cutter Gauthier unless you're a little cocky along the way. There's nothing wrong with going over the line a little from confident to cocky. The issue is when you go from cocky to arrogant. 

Yikes. Talk about an all-time backfire. 

Now I doubt that Denver was in the locker room watching the broadcast before heading out on the ice for warmups and actually heard that quote from Cutter before the game. I can't imagine it actually served as any real bulletin board material. But that mindset will get ya every time. Denver is over there focusing on what they have to do in order to win their 2nd national championship in 3 years, and Boston College is over there focusing on Denver crying after the game. You just hate to see it all work out the way it did. 

The Ducks play one more game this season and it's in Vegas on Thursday night. I guess that's not such a terrible way to get over a terrible loss. Maybe you could even through Cutter on a line with the pride of Denver and true American hero, Troy Terry. 
