"Bro I Feel Like A Fat Boy. I'm Fucking Fat" - Phillies Reliever, José Alvarado, Is All Of Us After A Long Winter

I'm liking these mid-game interviews more and more every time I see one. Today's Pirates - Phillies game gave us this great quote from Philly reliever Jose Alvarado who had no problem telling us about his eating habits and his current thoughts on what kind of shape he's in. Usually we hear about guys bragging about how good of shape they're in or how much they've lifted or their new diet and how they've dropped 50 pounds since last season. Not Jose though, he's out here spitting facts telling us how fat he is. And having the convo with John Kruk is perfect, two perfectly slender gentleman. Kruk knows his pain I'm sure, sometimes you just feel like a fat boy. 

Baseball Reference has Alvarado at 245 pounds, not too bad at all! Don't beat yourself up Jose, it's just a little winter weight. Grizzly Bears fatten themselves up before they hibernate and that probably is what he meant when he said he felt like one. He's a real one, he isn't going to hide how he looks or how he feels, if he feels fat he's going to tell you. Gotta respect that. A pretty legendary interview here, a fantastic soundbite that I'm sure Philly fans won't let die out. Hope the fat man (his words, not mine) has a great season!