Why the Hell is the College Basketball Transfer Portal Open Before the NCAA Tourney Starts?!?!?!

Big East announcer & friend of Barstool Sports John Fanta is ON ONE calling out the NCAA for opening the college basketball transfer portal today. 

And the man has a point!

Why on earth would the NCAA not wait until the Final Four is over in early April to open the portal?!?!? Come to think of it, coaches are just a little busy this time of year getting ready for the NCAA Tourney which is the entire FREAKING POINT OF THE SPORT!

This problem also extends to the NIT too. There's an epidemic of schools turning down bids to focus on next year's roster in the transfer portal including Memphis, Pitt, St John's, Indiana, Oklahoma & my alma mater Ole Miss. 

I understand the logic of these coaches & schools as all of them are not happy to miss The Big Dance and want to get on with their 2025 roster plans. But it stinks to high heaven for the seniors on these programs who would like to take the floor for the last times.

I get why this is a problem in football before bowl games as students do need to transfer during the Christmas holiday before the start of the 2nd semester in January. But I cannot figure out for the life of me the point of opening the basketball portal in mid March when it so easily could wait 3 more weeks. The NCAA is punishing the successful coaches & schools here who are gearing up for postseason.

Come on NCAA it is an easy solution. Just close the portal til the Final Four and all of these problems will be easily solved......