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Hell Yes: Right After Fans Started A Petition To Fire Him, Indiana Confirms Mike Woodson Will Be Back Next Year As Head Coach

Yes! This is how you stick it to your fans. Oh there's a petition (really the only word to use for to fire Mike Woodson? Guess what assholes, you get to watch him again! 

This is honestly hilarious. I think 99% of the Indiana fanbase has had enough of Mike Woodson. But then again, he's the only coach in the country who Kenny Payne openly admitted tricked him. So, you gotta bring him back on that alone. 

I don't see anyone else tricking Kenny Payne and he's lost a lot of games. Oh and why is this even better for the rest of us Indiana haters? Because they are taking the risk of missing out on Dusty May. The whole thing was bring May back home and people are talking about him like he's the next Brad Stevens. Instead you have Ohio State going after him, maybe Louisville, maybe some other carousel parts. But nope, Indiana has their guy. Mr. Inside Out himself. 

You know what? I'm starting to think Quinn Buckner and the Indiana decision makers are onto something here. I mean shit they won 2 games in the last week, which is an accomplishment for them, maybe they rally the fanbase as one and the team wins. Everyone so pissed off at Mike Woodson we got a Major League situation. That or they just continue to be the Dallas Cowboys of college basketball. You got your banners but you're not sniffing anything now. 

This is how you respond to internet petitions.