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Stephen A. Smith Answers The Biggest Question In TV History: Does Tony Soprano Have The Makings Of A Varsity Athlete?

Looks like Junior Soprano was right! According to him and now Stephen A. Smith, Tony Soprano does NOT have the makings of a varsity athlete. Maybe as an offensive lineman perhaps? Or a wrestler? So maybe the answer is sort of yes?

Tennis, no. Basketball, no. Boxing, no. Maybe MMA? 

It’s been long debated in the realms of TV and even brought up in the prequel movie to Sopranos the “Saints of Newark” but we finally have a verdict. Stephen A says absolutely not. 

I personally disagree. I think he showed some strong athleticism and strength in some of the murders he committed with his bare hands (Fred the rat in New Hampshire and Ralph Cifaretto) and his endurance in his run from the cops from Johnny Sac‘s house all the way to his own. Imagine Tony in his high school days as a spry teenager. His natural size and aggression could have went a long way on the football field. He has strong protective instincts. Could definitely see Tony as a good Right Tackle. 

One thing we both agree on is that we love Sopranos and miss James Gandolfini. RIP a legend. Hope this blog inspires a few rewatches, or even better a first Sopranos watch. Best TV show of all-time.