Kelly Keegs Is Ruining Barstool Sports

I should've seen the writing on the wall on Monday. Easing into a new week on a new iteration of a show that I thought everyone was aligned on, and being completely mistaken, is my crime. When it came to "relevant drama" to include on the show, I couldn't see the bigger picture outside of my immediate reality, and I blindly trusted others in the assist to create something different than our usual week-long scream fights. I did not address previously part time and self proclaimed "private" Ohio Tate's opportunist blog targeting my work ethic, spinning a single joke into a narrative that appealed to the comment section and twitter trolls. This was another mistake. I responded on the blog, not as an attempt to "get credit" for the work I do, but to prove simply that I am not lazy, and people like to include me in things. As far back as I can remember, we have been told that "the commenters and trolls are the vocal minority. Block out the noise, they don't add to the bottom line." What I missed somewhere along the way, is when this changed. I didn't realize that these people, who seem to have more time on their hands than even I do with my four day work week, run the show. So much so, we've hired the Champion of Incels, full time. 

You heard me - INCEL. Feel free to pretend like that doesn't apply here, I know how everyone loves to live in delusion anyway.

Everything I've learned about Tate Moore has been against my will. He thinks he belongs on a higher ground than the rest of the world because he teaches kids. He thinks he's a champion for women because he's a good basketball coach. He thinks he's entitled to twist reality to his advantage, in order to rile up a faceless army of men who would be embarrassed if their online personas were exposed. He thinks he has the right to harp on about how I have an OnlyFans, and refuses to stop until I get chastised for it, even when asked explicitly, at my request. 

And from his rebuttal blog (where he completely ignored everything I said in defense of myself, and skated over the fact he was throwing stones from a glass house)

Call me crazy, but directing people to a hate on a page that I have, outside of Barstool, is a little different than me googling "Ohio's Tate" and grabbing screenshots from Barstool videos that he was in. 

To him, it was so important that I was shamed for this, that he bitched and moaned about censorship on the blog until even the editors had their hands tied. And that, is my issue with Tate. Now that you're full time, I have no guilt in sharing my thoughts about this kind of "fun." That's a great message to send to all of the young minds you've been molding, especially the girls. It's a sad lesson they'll all learn - the nicest guy in the world, maybe even your hero, still isn't above making sure that you feel lesser than because you've put yourself on a platform with sexual undertones. But what can I say? He got a job out of it. He was able to spin spin spin his way into pageviews and a contract, at my expense. The squeaky wheel gets the grease, no matter how low you have to stoop or how many enemies you make in the process. He's been rewarded for this behavior, and there's nothing I can do about it but wait for the faithful day that he fucks up. He better be scrambling, deleting and unfavoriting on his OWN fake accounts before I find them. As someone who has flown high before, I promise you, the fall is harder than you think. To loosely quote Kirk Minihane - it may not be today, it may not be tomorrow, but the minute you start to feel a little uneasy, I'll be there. Oh also, I heard about your girlfriend being mad at you for what you said about me. I'd get used to that if I were you.

Here's what I've learned from this entire experience - trust no one. The precedent has been set. Dave wants us all at each other's throats, and that's that. No time for friends, no time for fun, no time for positivity and supporting each other. Hiring Tate was a direct order to me that we are, moving forward, instructed to tear each other apart from the inside. I'm glad I have a handle on the situation now. The reviews are in, the audience hates me, I'm ruining Barstool, I'm a stupid, delusional whore…why? Because I made a joke about not wanting to put makeup on, and some sad little man had a problem with it. May it be written in stone. 

Moving forward, I'll be taking notes on all of the constructive criticism from the only audience that matters, Tate's:

Just waiting on the phone call that I'm fired, because according to our new full time, In House Troll, I don't deserve to be here.