Wake Up Mintzy Is NOT Cancelled This Time!

I am getting massively trolled as I always do today but I am here to set the record straight about the present & future of Wake Up Mintzy!

The show is not cancelled. Hell we somehow even have an amazing presenting sponsor in Dude Wipes! And because of them, I never have to use dry toilet paper again.

For the time being, the show is going to be two weeks a month Tue-Thu at 8am central on Rumble. This is only temporary.

Why is the show only two weeks a month you ask?

My producer & my guy Tyler Moody can only commit to two weeks a month in Chicago right now because he is not a Barstool Sports employee. Obviously, I hope that changes in the next few months as he is an incredibly talented producer and has a unique skill set.

Moody stays with me when he comes up here and I kick him back some $$$. He makes his living calling games for ESPN3 and calling minor league MMA fights (shoutout AKA promotions!). I also have a great social guy in Cruz Oxenreider who is donating his time to the project out of the goodness of his heart who I give $$$ to as well.

Let's just face the cold hard facts of the situation. No one else wants to risk producing this show because of its past misunderstandings. And it cannot be done remote by Moody. 

We have a 60 second delay that Moody watches like a hawk in case of any slip ups. He absolutely has to be here to make it work! There cannot be a third strike or we would be out forever.

I want to do the show weekly! And I want it to be a massive success. Now that it is sponsored by Dude Wipes, there's a clear path to making that happen. The powers that be in the Chicago office understand the current situation as well. And I am more than sure I will continue to get rained on for it but it is another day that ends in Y in other news....

Wake Up Mintzy will be back for Act 4 soon!

Please subscribe to our Rumble channel & buy Dude Wipes!