American Airlines Plane Forced To Turn Around Due To Man Farting

Scott Olson. Getty Images.

SOURCE - The big stink over the flatulent flyer unfolded while a recent flight from Phoenix, Arizona, to Austin, Texas, was still on the ground, according to a viral Reddit post.

After the majority of passengers had boarded, the man reportedly exclaimed: “You thought that was rude? Well how about this smell” — and proceeded to pass gas.

“A guy in the row over replied, ‘If you don’t like it you can fly private’ to which fartman says ‘That’s so f—ing rude,’ and another person nearby chimes in ‘I think we’d all agree you’re the rude one here,’” the witness added.

At one point, flight attendants intervened and told the transgressor, “That’s enough.”

Apparently, the farter was kicked off the plane and the flight did take off roughly 15-30 minutes later than usual. Is there a chance this story isn't true? I wouldn't bet my life it's factual but it was reported by a newspaper that was correct last week about our CEO leaving. So let's all proceed under the assumption this is the hard truth.

I would be slightly torn about this if I was on this plane. If I needed to make a connection, I'd be pissed the flight was delayed because some guy was nearly shitting himself. Fart away as long as we get there on time. I'd rather sit next to someone farting than someone with really bad B.O. 

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I'm not some million mile flyer like George Clooney in Up In The Air but I used to fly a lot when I worked in sales. I never once experienced a flight where someone was acting up so bad that a flight could even remotely be at risk of being delayed or cancelled for that reason. 

I do wonder if the farting man ever ended up getting to Austin. I also wonder what he ate. Is this a superpower he can turn on whenever he wants? That would be fantastic if you were in a crowded place or a long line. Just keep ripping 'em until people leave. This guy would be the ideal hang at Disney World.

Giphy Images.

All kidding aside, this really isn't the worst display of plane etiquette I've seen. I mentioned B.O. is worse but so is when someone is really fat and spilling over into your seat. I don't want to be touching a stranger for hours and hours. I'd also rather smell farts than have a kid kick the back of my seat all flight. 

There are many worse things than farting. It's not like the airport or airplane food is very good. Farting is perfectly normal. Aggressively breaking wind is not ideal but we need to normalize passing gas and go after other plane villains first.

Godspeed Fartman. I'm on your side. I just hope that side is the front.