Credit To AMC CEO Adam Aron For Being Able To Appreciate Joel Embiid's 70-Point Performance Despite The Fact That Movie Theaters Are Dying At An Alarming Rate

Tim Nwachukwu. Getty Images.

Joel Embiid set a 76ers franchise record last night as the big fella popped off for 70 points against the Spurs. It was a performance so inspiring and memorable that they could one day write a movie about it. But where would that movie even be premiered? Would it go straight to a streaming platform, or will movie theaters manage to stay alive long enough for the Embiid biopic to hit the big screens?

These are the questions that keep AMC CEO Adam Aron up at night. These are the questions that rack around the man's brain 24/7. While the rest of the world is out there being able to enjoy their day, Adam Aron is constantly at battle with the demons in his head reminding him that movie theaters are dying at an alarming rate. 

This man hasn't been able to find joy in anything for the past 4 years after COVID has decimated the movie industry. Every day some piece of shit new streaming platform emerges, and the vicious cycle only continues to spiral out of control even more. But every so often, something magical happens. Something so special that--even for a brief, fleeting moment--guys like Adam Aron are able to experience true happiness once more. 

Turns out that something special is Joel Embiid hanging his nuts all over the Spurs. 

Theaters may be dying. Stock prices are down. They can hardly afford to put butter out for the popcorn. Life as we now know it may cease to exist if things don't turn around. But for at least a few short hours on a Monday night in South Philly, none of that mattered. Because the only thing that mattered was Joel Hans Embiid going crazy and becoming the 9th player all-time to score 70 points in an NBA game. Theaters might die, but legends live forever.

P.S. -- I need to know if he prefaces everything he says with how devastated he is about the current state of the movie theater industry. Like if our boy Adam is out ordering dinner and has to mention AMC stock prices before ordering the filet. 
