Watch: Parents Send 7-Year-Old Kid Down Corbets Couloir (The Most Dangerous Ski Run In America) And He Absolutely Shreds It

Hell yeah, brother. For full transparency I don't know if the parents "sent" this kid down Corbets, but they damn sure didn't stop him. And for those of you who are ready to debate whether or not Corbets is the most dangerous ski run in America save your breath - it is. It starts with a 10-20 foot vertical drop and if you survive that, navigate through the boulders, and make it to the opening, you're safe...kind of. Then you have to slow your self down enough so that you don't fall and break every bone in your body. It's a place where the most experienced skiers in the world come to show off their skills. That and seven year olds with balls bigger than just about any grown man on the planet. I mean LOOK at this...




That's just a wall of ice. I mean imagine skiing that as a second grader? Imagine skiing that at any age? It's insane and yet people do every. single. year. The main event is called "Kings and Queens of Corbet's" and it takes place in early February. Here's some footage from last year to give you an idea of how wild it is…






So yeah, shout out to that kid and his parents. Thank god things ended the way they did otherwise someone probably would've called CPS.