Desperate and Unhinged Ohio State Fan Tries To Murder Caitlin Clark Today


First things first.  I’m a GIGANTIC Caitlin Clark fan.    If Caitlin Clark tells me to jump I ask her how high.   Therefore I feel guilty as hell for this attack that happened in Columbus today.   Now I know what you’re thinking.  Why Dave?  What did this have to do with you?  Well isn’t it obvious?   Michigan and I have created a powder keg situation in Columbus.   It’s like District 12 in the Hunger Games.    This is what happens when we beat the shit out of Ohio State a million years in a row.  The fans have become deprived animals desperate for any taste of success.   And today it all culminated with them rushing the court like they just won the National Championship in football during a women’s basketball game.  Lucikly Caitlin survived the attack without injury.  All I can say is thank god because I never would have forgiven myself if Michigan dog walking Ohio State every single year let to a serious injury for Caitlin.