Dozens of Mensa Members Were Treated For Hypothermia and Frostbite at Saturday’s Chiefs - Dolphins Game. Dozens

Fox4KC- Kansas City first responders handled dozens of hypothermia-related calls Saturday at the Kansas City Chiefs’ Wild Card game. 

A Kansas City Fire Department spokesperson said the agency handled 69 calls at Arrowhead Stadium as the Chiefs took on the Miami Dolphins amid subzero temperatures. 

KCFD said approximately half of those calls were hypothermia related. 

Of the nearly 70 calls KC first responders received at Arrowhead, 15 people were transported to a local hospital.

One thing I will never understand, and something no amount of alcohol or drugs can explain to my dim-witted brain, is how people go shirtless in temps liks this.

That guy at the top in the Miami knit hat, tits out for the boys on Saturday night at Arrowhead needs to be institutionalized. 

It's cringe enough seeing players on the field go sleeveless. It immediately makes your asshole pucker up and your bones chill. It's instinctual as humans. 

Which is why seeing these genuises attempt to laugh in mother nature's face, and brave her elemnts, is so laughable. You shouldn't be allowed to go shirtless and then call 911. There's got to be a Darwinism rule or asterisk or something that cancels out your ability to seek professional help when you're purposely behaving this stupid. 

For those of you who live below the Mason Dixon line and have never got to enjoy the Polar Vortex before, allow me to show some examples of how fucking cold it was Saturday night.

Andy Reid's mustache looked like it was straight out of the makeup chair for a State Farm commercial. Except it wasn't.

You needed to slam or shotgun your beer if you wanted any chance at having one.

Same for bottled water.

You couldn't see out of the suite windows.

The polycarbonate shells were so cold, they got so brittle, that Mahomes' shattered and chipped off during the game.

It FINALLY inspired a good Taylor Swift sign. 

p.s. - I went to the 2019 AFC Championship game, where New England visited KC, and escaped with a win (thanks to a miracle call reversal on a questionable punt return fumble by Julian Edelman). Up until then, the coldest I had ever been was the year before for a Sunday Night Patriots game at Green Bay. Lambeau was fucking amazing, but it was so cold, and we didn't have one of those little fold up chairs for the bleachers, so we sat on the wood and literally froze our nuts off. 

It was my first trip to Arrowhead so I didn't really know what to expect. It was basically in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by a zillion acres of parking lot. (Which made for a really great tailgate scene, and reminded me of how Gillette Stadium was before Patriot Place was built up). The Chiefs fans were surprisingly really great to everybody from out of town. Offering up their construction grade heaters to warm up, and all the spiked hot chocolate you wanted. The only problem was once the sun started to go down and the temperatures really began to plummet, everybody started to make their way to the stadium to get inside. The temperature was so cold that it zapped everybodys phones. I'd never seen that happen before. Mine and everybody in our group's phones batteries died out and we weren't able to get into the game because our tickets were on our phones. It started happening to a ton of people so the set up stations next to the ticket takers with those flame thrower heaters for people to stand in, warm their phone up, turn it on and scan to get in quick. 

Once inside I couldn't believe two things:

1- How insanely loud it was. I know everybody talks about it all the time, but I cuoldn't believe we were outdoors, in that kind of cold, and the place was that loud. I've never experienced anything like it. When I say not a soul sat down the entire game, I mean literally not one person sat down. The place was silent when Kansas City was on offense. And the Earth shook when New England did. Chiefs fans banged on the seat backs in front of them, stomped, and screamed from kick off until the final whistle. 

2- The concessions at Arrowhead might be the best in the league. I don't know why I would expect anything less from Kansas City, but walking around the concourse before kickoff I couldn't decide where to get food because the next stand was better than the last. It was incredible. They didn't have all generic aramark bullshit concessions like "Beers & Brats", they had name brand, sponsored stands with big time items. And they must have had two dozen types of beer and full bars everywhere. 

It was a serious party and one I gotta get back to when it can actually be enjoyed.

That game's kickoff temp was 8 degrees and I was honestly frozen to the core. I had like 4 layers of thermals on, and still took hours after the game to warm up. I have no idea how people did it this past Saturday.