Legendary. Hero. Free. - The Banana Man Who Got Arrested At Mississippi State's Game Has Been Released From Jail, Won Over America's Heart

Every so often a little story in our stupid sport takes over the country. Last night as we saw top teams fall once again there was one man who took the attention and made his way into our hearts. Banana man. You see Mississippi State was hosting No. 5 Tennessee, they just got Tolu Smith back a couple games ago, only a 2.5 point spread. They have the chance to be pretty damn good mostly because they hired Chris Jans. 

But back to what mattered and that's the exact moment a banana became the story. You see him rushing the court there after a dunk to go up 4. The game was over except somehow there was .1 on the clock, like it actually mattered. It was impossible to do anything. You can't get some and-1 from three and you sure as hell aren't passing a full length alley-oop for an and-1. All he wanted was a high five. He wanted to feel good. He wanted to make memories which college is all about.

Then it happened. The overreaction to a banana. 

Fucking hilarious to see a cop take this 100% serious and remove his banana head to get him into the car. I mean, not hilarious in the sense of I'm dying laughing but hilarious in how stupid this all is. We're talking about a premature court storm. People premature all the time! It happens! You're telling me you never got a little too excited and entered a spot .1 seconds too early? You don't have to lie. 

Luckily we have good guys here. Guys who are willing to help out. Me? Heavens no, I'm poor. But BFW treated him like one of his own kids 

Even MSU players were demanding banana to be free 

His venmo was shared on Twitter. I don't know the rules about that so I won't put it here and it's not needed because: 

Everyone wants to argue about court storming. Fuck it. Let college kids have fun. The only places that shouldn't storm the court are Kentucky, Kansas, Duke and UNC. Everyone else? Go at it. Dress up like bananas, go to the bar with no shoes on, whatever. You're in college for a limited amount of time and it's not real life there. You have a max 3 classes a day. 3 hours of commitment and then you can do whatever the fuck you want. Bars have like $10 all you can drink on nights (RIPIP Two Keys), you figure out how to get cheap meals and hang out with the guys. 

Last and least, stop arresting guys for being a little early. He couldn't help it. He didn't do anything wrong. Glad to see he worked his way into America's heart and is now free.