The Epstein List Finally Dropped And It's Not Much We Didn't Already Know, Aside From The Discovery of Stephen Hawking Allegedly LOVING Orgies. Here's What I Still Want To Know

NY Times  - Hundreds of pages of previously sealed court documents related to Jeffrey Epstein, the disgraced financier and registered sex offender, were made public Wednesday — but as most legal experts familiar with the sordid affair had surmised, there was no smoking gun list of famous men who had sought to have sex with young women and teen girls.

The documents, filed in Federal District Court in Manhattan, appeared to add a bit more context to the relationships that Mr. Epstein had maintained over the years with powerful men, such as the former presidents Bill Clinton and Donald J. Trump and a member of the British royalty, Prince Andrew.

But they provided little, if any, new fodder for conspiracy theorists who remain fixated on Mr. Epstein’s dealings more than four years after his death.

The 45 court documents made public on Wednesday were part of a lawsuit brought against Mr. Epstein by one of his victims. The documents were previously sealed or redacted to hide the names of more than 100 victims, associates or friends of Mr. Epstein, all given the designation “J. Doe” and a unique identifying number.

The thing that was misleading about the hype surrounding this the past couple of weeks, was the way the media spun this whole thing. It was important to note that this was never supposed to be, or announced to be, "Epstein's Client List". It was always billed as unsealing of court documents previously redacting names mentioned in testimony in a case in the District Court of Southern New York. What initially seemed like amazing news a few weeks ago, fizzled out quickly once realizing it was in fact too good to be true.

Here's what finally appeared online to the public last night.

The entire 900-page, unsealed, docket document is available here.
Giuffre v. Maxwell (1:15-cv-07433)

District Court, S.D. New York

Here is the full list of names mentioned in the depositions-

More than 70 names were included in the documents, with four redacted.

  1. Ghislaine Maxwell
  2. Virginia Lee Roberts Giuffre
  3. Kathy Alexander
  4. Miles Alexander
  5. James Michael Austrich
  6. Philip Barden
  8. Cate Blanchett
  9. David Boies
  10. Laura Boothe
  11. Evelyn Boulet
  12. Rebecca Boylan
  13. Joshua Bunner
  14. Naomi Campbell
  15. Carolyn Casey
  16. Paul Cassell
  17. Sharon Churcher
  18. Bill Clinton
  19. David Copperfield
  20. Alexandra Cousteau
  21. Cameron Diaz
  22. Leonardo DiCaprio
  23. Alan Dershowitz
  24. Dr. Mona Devanesan
  26. Bradley Edwards
  27. Amanda Ellison
  28. Cimberly Espinosa
  29. Jeffrey Epstein
  30. Annie Farmer
  31. Marie Farmer
  32. Alexandra Fekkai
  33. Crystal Figueroa
  34. Anthony Figueroa
  35. Louis Freeh
  36. Eric Gany
  37. Meg Garvin
  38. Sheridan Gibson-Butte
  39. Robert Giuffre
  40. Al Gore
  41. Ross Gow
  42. Fred Graff
  43. Philip Guderyon
  45. Shannon Harrison
  46. Stephen Hawking
  47. Victoria Hazel
  48. Brittany Henderson
  49. Brett Jaffe
  50. Michael Jackson
  51. Carol Roberts Kess
  52. Dr. Karen Kutikoff
  53. Peter Listerman
  54. George Lucas
  55. Tony Lyons
  56. Bob Meister
  57. Jamie A. Melanson
  58. Lynn Miller
  59. Marvin Minsky
  61. David Mullen
  62. Joe Pagano
  63. Mary Paluga
  64. J. Stanley Pottinger
  65. Joseph Recarey
  66. Michael Reiter
  67. Jason Richards
  68. Bill Richardson
  69. Sky Roberts
  70. Scott Rothstein
  71. Forest Sawyer
  72. Doug Schoetlle
  73. Kevin Spacey
  74. Cecilia Stein
  75. Mark Tafoya
  76. Brent Tindall
  77. Kevin Thompson
  78. Donald Trump
  79. Ed Tuttle
  80. Emma Vaghan
  81. Kimberly Vaughan-Edwards
  82. Cresenda Valdes
  83. Anthony Valladares
  84. Maritza Vazquez
  85. Vicky Ward
  86. Jarred Weisfeld
  87. Courtney Wild
  88. Bruce Willis
  89. Daniel Wilson
  90. Andrew Albert Christian Edwards, Duke of York

However, it must be noted that the released documents name-drop several well-known public figures and actors alike. It is crucial to emphasize that the inclusion of these names does not imply any wrongdoing or participation on their part. Many of the names in the list, including that of Oscar-winners DiCaprio, Blanchette, Lucas and others, were merely mentioned in passing and did not imply that they were in any way involved with Epstein.
In the document, one of the witnesses claimed that Epstein "would be on the phone a lot at that time, and one time he said, 'Oh, that was Leonardo, or that was Cate Blanchett or Bruce Willis. That kind of thing."

When the person was probed further if they had met Leonardo DiCaprio, the response stated, "I have not." Naomi Campbell was mentioned in the transcripts and in a video. Her name popped up on the list when a victim narrated an incident that involved giving an unidentified man an erotic massage and sexual intercourse "around the same time that Naomi Campbell had a birthday party" at a French hotel that had Epstein and Ghislaine in attendance.

Meanwhile, according to the documents, a witness said he had met Michael Jackson, but denied having massaged him.

Other celebrity name-drops include Kevin Spacey, Bruce Willis, Cameron Diaz, George Lucas, alongside previously mentioned actors appeared

In one document, which included the transcription of alleged victim Johanna Sjoberg's May 2016 deposition, she was questioned about encounters with various high-profile personalities. Sjoberg denied being coerced into massaging notable figures like George Lucas and President Donald Trump.

All that basically amounts to a pretty big letdown, or bullet-dodged, depending on who you are I guess.

Nothing of a surprise here to be honest. It's the usual cast of characters, which again, was expected sadly, once seeing through the media's spin.

What was possibly the saddest thing of all, was, over the past couple of weeks, watching the crazies on the left speculate that the entire list was going to be full of right-leaning deviants, while simultaneously watching the right-wing wackos speculate the same exact thing about the left. 

It was almost like it was drawn up in a textbook on "how to continue to distract."

There really weren't many bombshells uncovered we weren't already, very aware of. Nothing even close to along the lines Ricky Gervais once publicly joked about-

Except for Stephen Hawking.

Yes, that Stephen Hawking.

The Telegraph - Jeffrey Epstein told Ghislaine Maxwell she could offer money to Virginia Giuffre’s friends if they could “help prove” an allegation that Stephen Hawking participated in an “underage orgy” was false, newly released filings suggest.

In an email written in 2015, the financier suggested that Ms Giuffre had made claims involving the British physicist and the former US president Bill Clinton.

Epstein said the “strongest” claim was that Mr Clinton had dined on his private island, which the former president has adamantly denied.

The email read: “You can issue a reward to any of Virginia’s friends, acquaints, family that come forward and help prove her allegations are false.

“The strongest is the Clinton dinner, and the new version in the Virgin Islands that Stephen Hawking participated in an underage orgy.”

First things first here, I want to know how did Stephen Hawking engage in multiple orgies when he can't move anything except his brain? Was he strictly a voyeur? Was he still able to get erections and get off? Was Pedophile Island ADA-compliant? 

And before the MAGA crowd gets all riled up, mad that I'm not making a big deal out of Bill Clinton's name, while totally ignoring the fact that their guy is also a slimeball that’s talked about how badly he wanted to fuck his own daughter (on numerous occasions), encouraged other men with shitty looks to just grab women "by the pussy", and had an affair with a porn star behind his wife's back, no, I don't think the Bill Clinton news is shocking, at all sadly.

NY Post - Jeffrey Epstein once said that former President Bill Clinton “likes them young,” a victim of the dead sex offender testified in a deposition unsealed Wednesday — part of a trove of long-sealed court documents that began to be made public, In the filing, Maxwell's team attempts to debunk an article by journalist Sharon Churcher of the Daily Mail, who described a dinner on Epstein's Little St. James island allegedly attended by Clinton "shortly after he left office." Maxwell's team claims, "Former FBI Director Louis Freeh submitted a report wherein he concluded that President Clinton 'did not, in fact travel to, nor was he present on, Little St. James Island between January 1, 2001 and January 1, 2003'," and goes on to say Secret Service assigned to the former president would have been required to file travel logs.

Oh man, Bill Clinton "likes young girls"? And likes "lots of them"? This has been "the news" for decades now. No shit. 

Guy is and always has been a scumbag. 

This is the lowest-hanging fruit of all time. Not because being a scumbag like Bill Clinton is an ok thing, because it's not. But acting like this is some landmark discovery, smoking gun evidence, or flat-out "news" whatsoever is lazy.

I don't think anybody should be distracted by, nor fall for what this list amounts to, which is basically crumbs. 

Crumbs like you throw off your table to satisfy your dog so he stops drooling bubbles only your socks while you're trying to eat a piece of pizza in front of him. You know he's not dumb enough to lick those crumbs up and forget about the half a slice still in your hands. But you know it will distract him long enough and reset the timer on his salivation until he either becomes occupied with something else grabbing his attention, or you scarf the rest down and are licking your fingers in front of him.

We should be demanding real answers, to real questions.

Like why the fuck did Epstein have this picture of slick Willy hanging in his house?

(And this one of George Dubya?)

The Prince Andrew stuff we already knew very well about. Same with Dershowitz. Obviously, the guy who attacked any and all Epstein accusers, and helped his buddy get a plea deal, was along for the ride

I want to know the answers we still don't know, to the questions nobody is asking.

Like I'd like to know, is #35, Louis Freeh, a former FBI director a big deal being on this list, or conflict of interest, or national security threat, or anything? 

No? Ok.

I want to know, was Epstein a Mossad asset as many have alleged? Can we get that on the freaking record as being asked, and answered from somebody credible? Anybody?

Is that why he appeared to operate so brashly, and with immunity for so many years, and was able to gain access to the people he did? Is that what disgraced prosecutor Alex Acosta meant when claiming Epstein "belonged to intelligence" after cutting a plea deal with him?

Is that weirdo David Copperfield still alive? If so, he has some serious explaining to do -

I want to know, why did ABC (Disney) go out of its way to spike an exclusive, Earth-shattering story about Epstein and his ties to foreign leaders? 

I want to know, who was on, and what happened to the dozens and dozens of CD and DVD-roms that Epstein kept in a safe, "cataloged with police-style evidence tape"? Was that blackmail material against rich and powerful people? 

Who were the "important people" Epstein told a NY TImes reporter, BRAGGING, that "he had dirt on", and "could destroy"?

Did they happen to be the two of the people who were running for office in 2016 that Epstein's brother is now saying, "Epstein had so much dirt on them he could have had the election cancelled"?

I want to know what was "in it" with this whole thing for Ghistlaine Maxwell? And did Epstein ever get to see Ghislaine's cannons?

Whatever happened with this whole Deutsche Bank assasination attempt? As KFC put it- "Judge gets assigned to a case involving Jeffrey Epstein and the millions upon millions of dollars he and all his rich and famous associates were stealing and embezzling…days later her son is killed and her husband is left critically wounded…and shortly after that, the gunman responsible for those attacks turns up dead in an apparent "suicide." I mean cmon they arent even trying anymore. Its Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby all over again. Not even trying to hide it. "

Is it not a big deal anymore that Epstein essentially had former New Mexico governor, former US Congressman, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, and Secretary of Energy under President Bill Clinton, Bill Richardson in his pocket by allegedly arranging underage sex partners for him because he passed away in September?

I want to know how did Epstein die WHILE IN FEDERAL CUSTODY? And whatever happened to the Attorney General, William Barr saying that the Department of Justice is looking into "serious irregularities" at the prison facility that are "deeply concerning and demand a thorough investigation." He said the FBI and the DOJ Inspector General are doing just that back in 2019.

(Along those same lines, does anybody think its odd that it's also come to light that one of Epstein's guards the night he died in his cell wasn't a regular correctional officer? He was "a fill in" who'd just begun working to fill a labor shortage…)

I actually want to know how does anybody with a brain believes Epstein committed suicide? How do you seriously account for all of the following to be a coincidence? You had the aforementioned brand new guard, being one of the TWO people entrusted with overseeing a high-profile celebrity being charged with high Federal crimes. You had two guards that were asleep at the wheel. You had the cameras being gone, You had the guards' internet search history, showing them shopping for brand new furniture sets and motorcycles hours before falling asleep.You had Epstein, who they're telling us was clearly a poster boy for suicide, alone in his cell with no cell-mate in there. You had the guest book not being found. You had the prison guards admitting after being threatened with perjury charges that they originally lied about what happened the night Epstein was found  ̶m̶u̶r̶d̶e̶r̶e̶d̶ suicided. You had all charges against the negligent guards being completely dropped

I want to know what became of the investigation into Epstein buddy, and pimp model scout Jean-Luc Brunel also being found hung in his prison cell?

Back to Pedophile Island, aka Little St. James. Can somebody tell us what the fuck the blue and white temple was for? Stop pissing on our legs and telling us its raining by trying to pass off having that on your private island is totally normal.

What was really going on in that place?

I want to know why did Bill Gates ex-wife cite his relationship with Epstein as being one of her reasons for their divorce, and why is Bill so quick to avoid answering questions on that same relationship? And if Epstein admittedly blackmailed Gates, with threats to expose his secret affair with a Russian card player, what else did he have? 

Was Gates using Epstein to help him blackmail others? Why does Bill Gates of all people need Jeffrey Epstein to procure counsel for him at Goldman Sachs?

Speaking of billionaires, I want to know if Billionaire Victoria's Secret founder Les Wexner is serious now, after all these years of keeping his mouth sealed about Epstein, just last week came forward with a pitchfork claiming, "Epstein mishandled vast sums of his fortune"? And why would you give ANYBODY a Manhattan townhouse, valued at $77 Million Dollars, for $0.00?

This Cernovich guy is a looney tune on twitter, but he filed a Freedom of Information Act with the Southern District of New York and shed some light on the documents, and raised some pretty great questions of his own-

" Why didn’t the SNDY charge Jeffrey Epstein under the Mann Act? Under the Mann Act, it’s unlawful to transport an underage girl through interstate travel, including on an airplane."?

"Epstein was charged for paying minors for massages from 2002 to 2005. Yet what was more newsworthy was the what the indictment left out."

"The indictment against Epstein does not charge anyone except Epstein, and there’s nothing to indicate that anyone who flew to Epstein’s private island has faced scrutiny."

"The SDNY’s actions have all of the telltale signs of containment. Because the Miami Herald and Cernovich won a civil lawsuit, leading to over 2,000 records being unsealed, it’s simply impossible for the same Feds who gave Epstein a pass years ago to continue to cover up."

"The SDNY could have charged Epstein in 2002, 2003, 2004, or at anytime until today. Yet they did not file charges until the Second Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that previously sealed records involving Jeff Epstein would become public record.Thus they are charging him without implicating anyone else who assisted with his operation."

You know what happened next. Epstein committed suicide.

Because SDNY charged the lowest level offenses possible, they “lacked jurisdiction” to raid Epstein’s island in Little St James, as well as his New Mexico and Paris properties. Those houses were left unattended for a couple of weeks.

During that time, a safe went missing. During the Ghislaine Maxwell trial, it was reported:

Evidence from Jeffrey Epstein's safe 'went missing' after FBI raid.

I want to know what ever happened to that supposed hacker Patrick Kessler, who the NY Times reported approached them with information alleging he had hacked Epstein's videos and had them? How did that story just totally disappear? 

Why did these prestigious universities and worldly-scholar professors even give this guy the time of day? 

(Sidebar - this is Illinois Governor JB's cousin. His sister is Penny.)

Lastly, how are the major players tie in to this all? Like bank heads of JP Morgan, who settled their case with the US Virgin Islands and swept everything under the rug, despite claiming "no wrongdoing or knowledge" of what Epstein was doing for decades, despite allowing him hundreds of different accounts with hundreds of millions of dollars in them?

I think it's naive to think Jeffrey Epstein was the only person diabolical and cunning enough to ever do what he had done. Of course he was a monster, who got off incredibly easy, but I don't think he was the first, nor close to the last person to use uncompromising information and extortion tactics to blackmail very rich, and very powerful people in the world. 

Just look at this story that also dropped yesterday about a super elite high end sex-ring that was broken up through out numerous US cities, which officials claim was set up “to ensnare US politicians and leaders.”

As big a nothing-burger this may seem, there may be some hope to getting real answers regarding this on the horizon- 

While not fundamentally reshaping what we know about Epstein, the documents do provide more depth, and more names, said Adam Klasfeld with Courthouse News

And more documents could be coming. A hearing in the Giuffre case is scheduled for September 4, though it's not clear if a decision on releasing more information will come at that time, he said.

"The flood of information, long suppressed about the case, is not going to abate," Klasfeld said. "It's basically just starting."

p.s. - rough week for the crimson