Buddy The Elf Being A Total Menace Taking You Into The Christmas Break

By now I'm sure that everybody has seen this deleted scene from Elf. I'll tell ya what, though. It blows my mind that they haven't figured out a way to put this scene back into the movie.

Don't get me wrong, it's an excellent film as is. I know some folks think it's overrated, but I think it's still a great watch once a year. With that being said, THIS scene right here is everything that Buddy's character stands for. 

Buddy the Elf is a total locker room guy. He's not the most skilled elf at the North Pole. He's not the fastest elf at the North Pole. He's just a dude who is willing to do whatever he can to help the boys. The team is getting walloped out there. You need someone to start throwing the body around and goon it up a little bit? He'll get greasy if you need him to. Anything for the team, Buddy is your guy. You need someone to score a juice goal to get the boys buzzing again? Buddy is your guy. He's a nice guy who tries hard and loves the game. 

Do Elves need enforcers? Not when Buddy's on the ice. 
